reece 2019年12月18日 22時08分 
anyhow, that's what im up to right now. still learning spanish. hope to move to madrid for a few months next year after book deal.
reece 2019年12月18日 22時06分 
hey yeah im online v rarely. still writing/reading novels mostly. taking some time off this month to figure out how to live out my next decade. gonna try to get into music next. pretty sure my current novel will do pretty good. I still have a bit of revision to do (I figure ~200 hours that I can knock out in 2 or 3 months), but I'm pretty sure it'll make it. You can read the openign to it here (the opening scene suffers a bit from that thing where you've spent way too much time on it, but i urge you to read through to the end. I think it's good):
reece 2012年12月29日 23時42分 
reece 2012年12月29日 23時41分 
I'm watching the top gear with the tesla and it reminds me of you (as you first told me about it)
reece 2012年5月29日 20時25分 
the thunder playin with my emotions
Specta 2012年3月12日 17時13分 
You can cheat at might and magic?