Julian   Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
IGL for FoXRaid Gaming

//Autoexec mul0x

rate "786432"
cl_cmdrate "128"
cl_updaterate "128"
cl_interp "0"
cl_interp_ratio "1"
cl_lagcompensation "1"
cl_predict "1"
cl_predictweapons "1"

volume "0.6"
voice_enable "1"
voice_scale "0.14"
snd_headphone_pan_exponent "1"
snd_headphone_pan_radial_weight "1"
snd_mute_losefocus "1"

mat_monitorgamma "2.6"
fps_max "0"
fps_max_menu "120"
r_dynamic "1"
r_drawtracers_firstperson "1"
bind "shift" "r_cleardecals;"

sensitivity 0.8
zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse "1"
m_rawinput "1"
m_customaccel "0"

developer "0"
con_enable "1"
con_filter_enable "0"
ui_steam_overlay_notification_position "bottomright"
player_nevershow_communityservermessage "1"
mm_dedicated_search_maxping "60"
gameinstructor_enable "0"
option_duck_method "0"
option_speed_method "0"
cl_forcepreload "1"
cl_downloadfilter "none"
cl_disablehtmlmotd "1"
cl_autohelp "0"
cl_showhelp "0"
cl_disablefreezecam "1"
cl_teammate_colors_show "1"
cl_autowepswitch "0"
cl_use_opens_buy_menu "0"
closeonbuy "0"
hud_takesshots "0"
cl_scoreboard_mouse_enable_binding "+attack2"
cl_show_clan_in_death_notice "1"
voice_mixer_volume "1"

//Info Bind
alias "ToggleInfo" "info_on"
alias "info_on" "+cl_show_team_equipment; alias ToggleInfo info_off"
alias "info_off" "-cl_show_team_equipment; alias ToggleInfo info_on"
bind "I" "ToggleInfo"

//Jump Throw
alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack"
alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump"
bind "x" "+jumpthrow"

hud_scaling "0.9"
hud_showtargetid "1"
cl_draw_only_deathnotices "0"
cl_righthand "1"
cl_showloadout "1"
cl_showpos "0"
cl_showfps "0"
net_graphheight 55
net_graph 1
net_graphproportionalfont 0
net_graphheight 1
net_graphpos 180
cl_hud_healthammo_style "1"
cl_hud_background_alpha "0.5"
cl_hud_color "8"
cl_hud_playercount_showcount "0"
cl_hud_playercount_pos "0"
viewmodel_presetpos "1"
viewmodel_fov "68"
viewmodel_offset_x "2.5"
viewmodel_offset_y "0"
viewmodel_offset_z "-1.5"
cl_viewmodel_shift_left_amt "0.5"
cl_viewmodel_shift_right_amt "0.5"
cl_bobcycle "0.98"
cl_bob_lower_amt "5"
cl_bobamt_lat "0.1"
cl_bobamt_vert "0.1"

//Buyscript/Key Binds
bind "kp_end" "buy ak47; buy m4a1;"
bind "kp_downarrow" "buy vesthelm;"
bind "kp_pgdn" "buy defuser;"
bind "kp_leftarrow" "buy flashbang;"
bind "kp_5" "buy smokegrenade;"
bind "kp_rightarrow" "buy molotov; buy incgrenade;"
bind "kp_home" "buy hegrenade;"
bind "kp_uparrow" "buy tec9; buy fiveseven;"
bind "kp_pgup" "buy p250;"
bind "uparrow" "buy deagle;"
bind "leftarrow" "buy awp;"
bind "downarrow" "buy galilar; buy famas;"
bind "rightarrow" "buy sg556; buy aug;"
bind "end" "buy ump45;"
bind "del" "buy mac10; buy mp9;"
bind "pgdn" "buy mp7;"
bind "kp_plus" "buy vest;"
bind "kp_del" "buy ssg08;"

bind v "toggle volume 0 0.6"
bind h "+spray_menu"
bind "MOUSE3" "use weapon_flashbang"

cl_radar_always_centered "0"
cl_radar_rotate "1"
cl_radar_scale "0.3"
cl_radar_icon_scale_min "1"
cl_color 0

cl_crosshairsize "4"
cl_crosshairgap "-1"
cl_crosshairstyle "4"
cl_crosshairthickness "1"
cl_crosshairdot "0"
cl_crosshair_drawoutline "0"
cl_crosshairalpha "180"
cl_crosshaircolor "1"

//Großes Crosshair
alias "cross1" "cl_crosshairsize 4; bind capslock cross2"
alias "cross2" "cl_crosshairsize 99999; bind capslock cross1"
bind "capslock" "cross1"

echo "----------------------------"
echo "============================"
echo "autoexec.cfg loaded, GLHF"
echo "----------------------------"
echo "============================"

현재 오프라인
My Twitter -

General Infos

Name: Julian

Age: 24

Team: FoxRaid Gaming

Team and Tournament History

FoXRaid Gaming
DEMO LEAGUE Season #4 16 []
→ Placed 4th in groups

→ Final loss

→ Relegated to Div4

FoXRaid OT
BIG OMEN Academy HUNT 16 []
→ 1st Round loss

ESL Meisterschaft Season 20; Division 4 []
→ Division 4 - Top 21 (11/7) -> Didn´t make Playoffs

Demolition Legaue Season 3; Division 1 []
→ 1st Round Playoff loss

GSH LAN 2023 []
→ Winner

eSports Nord e.V.
99Liga Season 15; Division 4 []
→ Rele Division 3 (Lost)

99Liga Season 16; Division 4 []
→ Rele Division 3 (Lost)

99Liga Season 17; Swiss Gruppe: 14-4 []
→ Division 4

99Liga Season 18; Division 4 []
→ Division 4

99Liga x ESL Meisterschaft Season 19; Division 4 []
→ Playoff Division 3 (lost)

Demolition Legaue Season 2; Division 1 []
→ 1st Round Playoff loss

Team Nameless
99Liga Season 11; Division 4 []
→ Division 4 Slot

99Liga Season 12; Division 4 []
→ Division 4 Slot

99Liga Season 13; Division 4 []
→ Division 4 Slot

99Liga Season 14; Division 4 []
→ Divsion 4 Slot

Team: ♥♥♥.Unicorns
99Liga Season 5; Starter 17 []
→ Division 5 Slot

Legancy Gaming
99Liga Season 6; Starter 10 []
→ Division 4 Slot

99Liga Season 7; Division 4 []
→ Division 4 Klassenerhalt

Legendary Autumn Cup 2017 []
→3. Place

ASUS ROG Team Germany Qualifier []
→First Round loss against Panthers Academy

Faceit Stats

Win Rate: 51%

Longest Win Streak: 10Games

K/D Ratio: 1,08

Average Headshots: 41%

Elo: 2598

Best Map: Ancient 61% Winrate

Pc specs:
Mainboard: MSI Z97 Gaming 3
Prozessor: i7-4790K CPU @ 4.00 GHz (8x)
Grafikkarte: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050TI
Ram: 16GB Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4-2400 (2x 8GB)
Headset: Sennheiser Game Zero
Maus: Zowie FK2
Tastatur: Logitech G513
Monitore: BENQ XL2411 (24Zoll/Main),Samsung S24D300H



Trade Link:
좋아하는 게임
플레이 시간
도전 과제
최근 활동
기록상 19.2시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2025년 3월 12일
기록상 4.4시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2025년 3월 11일
기록상 8,508시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2025년 3월 10일
Kelore 2025년 2월 28일 오전 11시 26분 
good profile, sharpshooter
bucked 2025년 2월 11일 오전 9시 43분 
маленькая истери 2025년 2월 10일 오후 4시 09분 
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бушующее пламя 2025년 2월 9일 오후 11시 53분 
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мЕго-цыпа 2025년 1월 18일 오전 8시 17분 
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76561199447312960 2025년 1월 17일 오전 12시 20분 
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