M the Modulator
Mitsaras   United States
I. Phone Fun
(Red Boxing, COCOTS, Beige Boxing, Cellulars, etc.)

(from Doktor Nil)

First note: a redbox is merely a device which plays the tone a
payphone makes when you insert money. You just play it through the
mike on the handset. You would think that the Phone Co. would mute
the handset until you put a quarter in, and perhaps they are starting
to build phones like that, but I have yet to see one.

What you need:
- Radio Shack 33 memory Pocket Tone Dialer
- 6.4 - 6.5536 megahertz crystal (get 6.5 MHz from Digikey, address
- A solder gun.
- Someone who can point out the crystal in the Tone

1) Open up the back of the tone dialer. Use screwdriver.

2) Locate crystal. It should be toward the right side.
It will be smaller than the 6.5 MHz one you bought, but otherwise
vaguely similar. It is basically capsule-shaped, with two electrodes
coming out of the bottom which are soldered onto a circuit board.
It's on the _left_ side, basically the third large crystal thing from
the bottom, about 1.5 cm long, metallic, thin.

3) De-solder, and de-attach, crystal. Heat the solder that the
crystal is seated in; remove crystal.

4) Attach 6.5 MHz crystal. It is easiest just to use the solder which
is already there from the old crystal, that way there is less chance
of you dropping hot solder somewhere it shouldn't be and losing
everything. Heat first one drop of solder with the solder gun, and
seat one electrode of the 6.4 MHz crystal in it, then do the same
with the other. This is the easiest part to mess up, be careful that
both drops of solder don't run together.

5) Put cover back on. you are done.

How to use: Five presses of the "*" key will make the quarter sound.
I think fewer presses make nickel/dime sounds, but I can't remember
specifically. Here in Michigan, you can simply hold it up to the
handset and press memory recall button 1 (where you have conveniently
recorded five *'s -read the tone dialer directions on how to do this)
and get a quarter credit, _IF_ you are calling LD. Keep making the
tone to get additional credits. There is a maximum number of credits
you can have at once.

To make a local call this may not work. You need to first put in a
real coin, then you can use the redbox for additional credits. There
may be a way around this, however: Call the operator, and ask her to
dial your number for you. She should do this without asking why, it
is a regular service. If you need an excuse, say the "4" key isn't
working, or something. She will ask you to insert your money. At
this point use the redbox. If all goes well, she dials your number
and you're in business. If she says "Will you do that one more time,"
or "Who is this," or any variations, hang up and walk away.
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kristhombu 9 Aug, 2024 @ 8:47am 
Brother from another mother. And father 😂
Butts 14 Apr, 2024 @ 1:34am 
pretty fly for a white guy
KillShot 22 Oct, 2022 @ 3:42am 
You're a pretty cool dude, so if you're down, we can give each other a little sucky sucky. Here's my address: 4177 ELLISTON RD ;;;;;;))))))
Modern Man 22 Oct, 2022 @ 12:24am 
Hey, it's me Queen Elizabeth, I am not dead, Charles sent me to a deserted island so he could be King. I don't have access to my royal money so please cash app me $300 so I can get back to the UK. Tea and Biscuits!
Lori 24 Jun, 2021 @ 12:17pm 
Gwyndolin 2 Dec, 2019 @ 2:52pm 
Happy birthday!