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張貼於:2023 年 3 月 2 日 下午 7:12
更新於:2023 年 3 月 3 日 下午 8:27

I got this game in a bundle, so basically free.

Review after one hour:
It's not good. It's bad. The screen tearing is incredible. I might be able to fix it or get it to manageable levels, but thing is that the game just isn't much fun so I really can't be bothered. So far I've only played Red Hood and he moves like a gorilla in a jumpsuit. I'm in the police station trying to stealth around and it honestly seems like it would be a lot easier to just knock out/kill everyone instead of trying lug this giant sack of meat around the station to avoid the cameras and the police. I'll play through a little more so I can try the other characters and see if one is more fun. I'd just start a new game but probably half of my "play time" was just watching very long videos waiting to get control.

I'll update once I've played some more.

Review after two hours:
About the same. Restarted as Robin. Although he moves better than half a pig carcass, it's still just not fun. There's no flow, there's no heroism. It's like if the people in Watch Dogs 2 were pretending to be working with Batman. While it's ok, it's not a superhero game. If everything you were doing weren't all about Batman, maybe it would be good. But it's not.
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