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Recente recensies door MrMajor

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0.6 uur in totaal
No, I'm no expert at 3d printers or the art of printing itself. But with that said, this game is NOT beginner user friendly. You can pick up objects, but you cant place them on a desk or table, you are forced to drop them on the floor. The "rotation" is only along one axis. The "customer" delays BADLY when picking up an "order" and the "printing" itself is a joke. It waves a few times back and forth and POOF you have a print.

Not very "simulator" worthy. Buyer beware
Geplaatst 30 augustus.
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13.9 uur in totaal (9.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
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So, in my last review I did a thumbs down, criticized it for not allowing a restart. This has been fixed and THEN some! They added a sandbox creative mode that is pretty awesome. Though I do wish we could use customized measurements (each "block" is 11 sq ft) but hey, it's really cool!
Geplaatst 29 september 2023. Laatst gewijzigd 13 november 2023.
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0.6 uur in totaal (0.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The moment I saw "made with unity" my mind went immediately to "you get what you pay for". $3 game definitely has a $3 feel to it. Would really love to see more tools, more functionality. Perhaps a cleaning/deleting tool would be helpful instead of having to start the level over again. Different colors, so on and so on. But it's a quick time killer. Hoping this is still being worked on
Geplaatst 13 november 2022.
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636.5 uur in totaal (233.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Lots of pros aboput this version and game! Landscaping, placables, JOHN DEERE! I cant really list any cons. As with any game there can always be improvements made but so far I LOVE the game the way it is!
Geplaatst 28 oktober 2022.
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153.4 uur in totaal (64.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
New player? Right away I want to tell you to seek out Elite: Dangerous' discord. TONS of information and VERY helpful people! They might not be able to answer ALL your game-related questions, but they do their best!

As for the game itself, I just only recently discovered it, and I must say after playing it the short time I have, it's really good! Gaphics are phenominal, physics seem to be right on the spot, the only complaint I think I could have is with the learning curve! You can play it onlikne or offline, I choose online. But be warned... if you are looking for a populated community in-game, this really isn't the game for that unless you already have a lot of friends to link up with. But that SHOULD NOT be a deterrent!

Good luck out there Commanders!
Geplaatst 8 juni 2022.
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7.0 uur in totaal (5.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
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This is one of those MANY games on steam that hide behind the "Early Access" tag and use it as a both a crutch, and an excuse to explain away the severe problems with the game.

Yes, I know what Early Access means. Yes, I know and understand that games which are unfinished can be glitchy/buggy. And yes, I realize there WILL be 'bugs'. But let's let a quick look at something.

This game's demo was absolutely horrible. The vehicles would freak out and have a seizure before you even had a chance to drive off the store property with it. Items would fall through the map if you placed them wrong, it was just unplayable. So I waited till sometime after release. Figured if I had to pay for the game that means they fixed a bunch of stuff...

Fix SOME stuff, break others and say "Well it IS 'Early Access'". That is exactly what happened with this. While I do acknowledge that they are "revamping" the game for Unreal Engine 5, In it's current state, at the price it is currently, it's just like the demo.

I am uninstalling for a while because the controls arent remappable all the way. Excavator controls wont rebind for the "forarm" of the boom, and there are only AZERTY and QWERTZ as options. Um, most keyboards in the US are "QWERTY".

Sorry, but not worth it in my opinion. Hopefully when the UE5 version is released, that will make it better and the 'early access' tag will actually mean something.
Geplaatst 3 juni 2022. Laatst gewijzigd 21 maart.
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2.6 uur in totaal (0.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
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UPDATE: My original review (found below this) is being updated as the developer has replied below AND fixed the issues as promised! Granted I would like to see more places the ladies can be interacted with on (neck, thighs, etc) but its pretty good!


"bad actions" you lose points. Good actions, the bar goes nowhere. Seems incomplete, not very many places to interact with. Not worth the refund hassle either.
Geplaatst 19 december 2021. Laatst gewijzigd 23 december 2021.
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Een ontwikkelaar heeft op 23 dec 2021 om 15:31 gereageerd (reactie weergeven)
4 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
4.9 uur in totaal (0.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
1st and foremost I dont consider this game to be worth $20. But, despite that opinion, it is still a pretty fun thing to play with.
Geplaatst 3 augustus 2021.
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125.2 uur in totaal (35.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
4 days after getting this game I have 35 hours into it... Between the campaign and the sandbox modes, I am HOOKED! I love how creative you can get with the vehicles.

If I had to choose a "con" to gripe about its the slow grind to achieve flight to grab items on the floating islands. But I believe it is worth it!

A suggestions if the devs see this, give the player more control over the environment. The day/night cycles seem uneven.
Geplaatst 4 januari 2021.
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0.2 uur in totaal
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
The concept is neat and all, but you might as well call this "Mouse Clicking Simulator". How aboput giving players a choice of build style? Or how about giving them a choice between water and dry land to start on?

No thanks. I'm sure people out there love this, but I got bored after a short time.
Geplaatst 4 januari 2021.
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1-10 van 21 items weergegeven