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Publicada: 23/mar./2022 às 11:49

What did i think of this game? GREAT!
I bought it last year and had my doubts.
But i took my time today to playing trough in one day to get the feeling of its story (not often i get such time anymore).

It has a good story, cant recall that something about it was missing. Even a hard core horror player like me jumped a few times and made my kids run away screaming(didn't know they where hiding behind my chair watching).

Graphics is good, the ambiance is even better.
Only wished you could change key settings but that wasnt a big bother tho.

Worth a full price? yes, no need to but its always good to support good game developers for future games.

Played their other game Find Yourself which also is a great game, will be looking forward to the coming games.
GJ developers!
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