Mr Aejis
Discord: aejis
Health teacher streaming educational content, Minecraft, retro & variety gaming. Twitch Affiliate. :hollowknight::shadeknight:
Class is in session!

Arawn, the god of Death, said: "No man has yet truly worshiped any God. In essence all Gods are the same, and One; but few mortals have glimpsed that Untellable Glory, and no human mind may hold it. So around the little they can remember those seers fashion poor clumsy unlikenesses in their own image, and preach of these to men."

Arawn looked at the man, and in the measureless depths of his strange, sun-bright black eyes were a sorrow and pity beyond man's understanding: the pity of a man for a child's sorrow, and the pity of a God for his suffering creation. The misery that he has caused all creatures by creating them, and must share, or be less than God or man.
- Evangeline Walton, The Mabinogian Tetrology

:hollowknight: No mind to think. No will to break. No voice to cry suffering. :shadeknight:

Renci de Shangdi, qing dai wo zou. Wo xiang mei er, mei xin, bian ѕhіtоu.
Merciful God please take me away. I will close my eyes and my heart and become a stone

:HatHealth: Every one is a thread in the fabric of my life; a piece of the puzzle to the Mystery of being.

``I feel it now. The ghosts of people who still exist, but shouldn't. Mistakes never fixed, paths never crossed. People who once should have felt familiar and warm still feel distant. Artificial fragments of what should have been, what's going to be. Broken people. Ghosts, living on and on seemingly without end, casting their shadows over me. And I wash these quivering hands, and everything that has ever meant anything to me.​..

... down the drain``

- Sewerslvt, `Down the Drain`

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blushingdecomposition 16 hours ago 
jesse 12 Nov, 2024 @ 10:44am 
blushingdecomposition 12 Sep, 2024 @ 3:09pm 
meow? meow.
YodelingZero 5 Jan, 2023 @ 10:29am 
Herp Derpinson 9 Sep, 2022 @ 10:45pm 
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