United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Lover of theatre, books, games, and D&D. Sucks at life and also video-games but partakes in both anyway. Bit of a completionist but not so much that I'm actually going to git gud at any games anytime soon.
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Wow! This game is unlike anything I've played before, it really stands out. The music and atmosphere was immediately compelling to me, and the mystery felt daunting at first, but there is nothing more satisfying than when the pieces gradually begin to line up and fall into place like dominoes.

This game does not hold your hand and expects you to make leaps of logic, assumptions, and generalisations to squeeze as much information out of every diorama as possible, tracing and retracing your steps, following specific individuals back through the moments of time you have access to.
Furthermore, this game feels no need to explain itself, yet remains satisfying. Figuring everything out and accessing the last pieces of the puzzle felt very cathartic, but still left with me with just enough questions to have me walk away wondering.

One thing that especially impressed me was the story and characters. This isn't just a mystery, it's a compelling narrative with a huge cast of unique characters. I realised half-way through playing that I was truly starting to care about some of the people involved, all while feeling a morose sense of impotence due to being unable to change their destinies. Sometimes my estimation of a character was all wrong, and I was shocked later to discover what acts they had committed. Other times, a character sprang from the background and gripped me with an act of bravery or moment of tragedy.

In short, I recommend this game, although warn you to prepare to be challenged. My advice is to pay attention to the small details; remember that information about characters can exist both on the ship in the present-day, as well as in scenes they are not themselves a part of; and never forget that the log book (every page of it, mind) is your friend - pore over it, and make notes where needed, as flicking back and forth can become tedious.
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RancidTempo 8 Feb, 2016 @ 9:00am 
f-egg-ot <3