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Dead Cell— There's Always a Play-style for You

## **Introduction**

Over the weekend, I found myself deeply immersed in the world of "Dead Cells," spending an entire day grinding through the game. After finally defeating the Assassin boss using a dual-turrets strategy, I glanced at my Steam game time and noticed I had clocked in 60 hours. While this pales in comparison to my 200+ hours with "The Binding of Isaac," it was the first time I took so long to complete a game. Despite my urge to start another round, I shut down my computer, reflecting on the unique experience "Dead Cells" provided, even in its Early Access phase with pending difficulty adjustments.

## **Game Mechanics**

One aspect of "Dead Cells" that immediately captivated me was its diverse weapon system and skill set. Each weapon comes with its own unique attack strategy, and they are categorized into various ranges, offering a wide array of combat styles to explore. In the early stages, almost every weapon seems viable, allowing for a fun experimentation with the arsenal at hand.

As for character progression, the attribute system has undergone several tweaks to achieve a well-balanced approach to skill point allocation. Focusing on a single attribute could leave you with a fragile health pool, while a more distributed approach requires careful synergy between your main hand weapon, shield, and skills to maximize effectiveness. While the once-popular cooldown reduction builds still have their place, the game's design nudges players towards more direct confrontations.

## **Gameplay Modes**

In "Dead Cells," every death is a new opportunity to learn and improve. The game's design encourages players to reflect on their mistakes and adapt their strategy for the next run. The wealth of diverse and ever-changing levels ensures that no two runs are the same, providing a continuous sense of discovery and the chance to apply newfound knowledge. The cycle of trial, error, and learning is what defines the "Dead Cells" experience, making each playthrough as rewarding as it is challenging.

## **Combat and Enemies**

The combat system in "Dead Cells" is intricate and fast-paced. Mastery over the game's mechanics is paramount as players engage in intense battles against a variety of enemies and imposing bosses. Each adversary has its own set of moves and patterns that players must learn to anticipate and counter. This learning curve is steep but fair, rewarding those who take the time to understand the rhythm of combat and the nuances of enemy behavior.

Boss fights, in particular, are a true test of skill and strategy. They require a combination of quick reflexes, precise timing, and a deep understanding of the game's combat mechanics. Overcoming these challenging encounters not only provides a sense of triumph but also serves as a testament to the player's growth and mastery of the game.

## **Personal Insights**

My journey through "Dead Cells" has shown me that there's a delicate balance between hardcore and casual playstyles. While the game can be punishingly difficult, it also allows for a more relaxed approach where players can take their time to explore and enjoy the world at a leisurely pace.

I've found that certain weapon combinations work exceptionally well together, and discovering these synergies is part of the fun. For instance, a freeze blast paired with a heavy-hitting melee weapon can decimate foes before they have a chance to react. Sharing these tips and tactics is my way of aiding fellow gamers in finding their path through the game.

## **Conclusion**

"Dead Cells" is a game that truly embraces the concept of exploration and experimentation with different playstyles. Whether you're a seasoned gamer looking for a challenge or a newcomer eager to dive into a rich and dynamic world, there's something here for everyone.

As the game continues to evolve with updates, my own experiences have deepened, and my strategies have become more refined. I encourage all players to step into this ever-changing landscape, where every run is a new adventure and every death a lesson to propel you forward.
Postat 30 martie 2024.
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看了一条评论说甚至能赶上退款前通关,试了下确实可以,单人普通难度赶在1.9 小时前通关了,当然挑战收集什么的肯定做不完。

先说优点,这是款挺街机风的游戏,支持最多6人通过本地和网络混合联机,让你能呼朋引伴度过一个有趣的下午。招式攻击还算多,但每个人的模式基本都一样,只是三个属性不同,我想如果角色之间招式有区分的话肯定会有一个最厉害的角色招式,那大家也没法平等地体验游戏了,倒不如众生平等,选谁都行。清版的模式从地面到海上还有天空都有,还原了FC 内味,说是正统续作没什么意见吧。


Postat 18 iunie 2022.
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Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu

创意是中国字的偏旁部首进行一些推箱子式的组合来达到过关的条件,但相比于英文(BABA IS YOU)选择就摆在那,难在许多字中国人可能都没见过,比如开始“一”从下往上和“人”配成大,到后面三点水和许多单字能可能配出来,这里的未知让成年人感到很挫败,所以前面我说这个很适合推给孩子激发学习汉字的兴趣。

Postat 17 iunie 2022.
A fost această recenzie utilă? Da Nu Amuzantă Premiază
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大概30小时过了 一周目,从体验上来说其实算是五脏俱全了,可以给满分,虽然我也觉得后期需要肝一些升级(数值不达标过起来就是很难),但从预期来说很满意了。

首先我觉得游戏呢要有个恰当的预期,比如你不能期望这个卡通画风没做出大表哥的建模,这个roguelike 没有策略游戏像文明那么高深的系统,然后说哪里不符合预期。我一直坚持把合适的游戏推给合适的人,RL2 是那种非常适合从《死亡细胞》过来的玩家,其次一点是喜爱rogue 和银河恶魔城游戏的玩家。


再说下地图,每局随机生成,但房间的类型个数(每个房间的布局)应该是固定的,只是不同房间连在一起,挑战房和精灵宝箱房难易也有区分,整体流程还是拿到当前地图的新能力解锁下个区域的访问,新的区域的挑战会更大,到最终比尔干湖就需要用到前面学的所有能力。一直觉得RL 创新的一点是可以以减少金币比例来锁定地图,这样给玩家以专心攻克boss 的机会,不会像一些 rogue 游戏每次只能重开,但见到靠后 boss 的机会本来就渺茫。

接下来再说下 boss,总共有6个守关 boss,和一小一大终极 boss。整体来说每个 boss 都有4-8种左右的招式,只是不断地组合循环,一般分两阶段,第二阶段招式没有变化只是增加了数量或限制地形来提高难度,总体来说练个几次摸清套路就能过。当然我卡在二周目大眼睛几十次也是有的,因为我只有160级,地图基本是210 级的样子,容错比较低,所以还是老老实实刷级比较稳妥。

最后说下要刷的部分,看起来还是要花很大一块时间去刷的,比较明显的感觉是 boss 我可以打过,但推图很难,因为小怪摸几下人就无了,说明我已经在越级打怪了。但过了一周目后,要说推图打一次 long run 就挺折磨人心态的了。这也是我前面说的要怎么看待游戏这个事了,还是要抱着一个游戏的心态去玩游戏,而不要为了过掉这关达到多少级而被游戏玩,当你摆正了心态,享受游戏也是理所当然的事情了,我相信RL 2上千的升级也够玩一阵子了。
Postat 23 mai 2022. Editat ultima dată 23 noiembrie 2022.
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Postat 7 august 2021.
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Postat 27 noiembrie 2020.
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Postat 28 februarie 2020.
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Postat 30 ianuarie 2020.
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Postat 21 noiembrie 2018.
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Postat 26 noiembrie 2017.
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