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Boring, uninteresting, but nostalgic. Bland characters, bland chats. BOOOOOORRRRRIIIIIINNNNNNNGGGGGGG.
Postat 12 iunie 2017.
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24.4 ore înregistrate (21.1 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
never thought clicking buttons and waiting was so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fun
Postat 20 mai 2017.
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Go into this without looking up a tutorial or any gameplay. Do it.
Postat 24 ianuarie 2017.
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19.9 ore înregistrate (4.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
[This review will be updated if i feel things change;]

Okay. ♥♥♥♥. This. Game.
I get a new computer. My old one broke. Im excited to play again.
Boom. Save lost.
Boom. Saves from S1 and S2 gone.
♥♥♥♥ this series, man. I am so not goint to replay this WHOLE ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ GAME. Its so much easier to just watch a playthrough. Basically, ♥♥♥♥ you Telltale.
My original review is below, from when i played episodes 1-3.

- Choices affect story for real this time.
- Story is ACTUALLY interesting and good.
- Voice acting is a lot better than previous titles.
- Graphics improved, but can still run on lower end systems.
- Legitimately shocked me sometimes; didn't even see certian events coming.
- Seeing Clementine again is so great. She has changed as a character and we get to see that through flashbacks.

- Unstable framerate; drops quite a bit sometimes.
- Still a sense of the world being small; like its a video game.
- Story sometimes is cliche' or you knew something was coming; predictable.
- Back at it again with the "rock and a hard place" choices that could have been easily worked around.
- There are way too many characters way to fast.
- At the end of episode 2, the EPIC REVEAL XDDDD was so bad. Javier's brother being the big bad buy behind all this? ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stupid.
- MORE stupid, awful reactions to deaths. Barely even any tears. I mean, come on. This is espically heightened when Mariana and (the black dudes wife) die.

The Walking Dead season 3 is what season 2 should have been. Interesting, story driven gameplay with choices that ACTUALLY matter. I'm glad i pre-ordered this game now.

The opening scene grabs your attention and uses that to its advantage. It tells you abaout the characters and their life without spelling everything out for you. The game leaves you to infer things that happened, yet makes sure it gives you clear hints. And, lets just put this out there; its no suprise Clementine returns. Her backstory is told to us based on your choices in season 2, and i think thats a really good way to do it. The backstory i got for her made me cry. Legitimately.

So me, a person who never cries, is crying in the first episode of this game. That says a lot.

I feel like i can actually have a say in what happens this time around. I feel like the choices i make are actually doing something; and they are. Its clear they are. Thats something that even season 1 had a bit of trouble doing. Its refreshing to have this sense of 'if i make a bad choice, everything can go wrong.'

So, all in all, let me sum it up for you.

In my harshly critical sense of reviewing, i would give this game a solid 6/10.
Postat 21 decembrie 2016. Editat ultima dată 17 mai 2017.
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40.2 ore înregistrate (25.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
There are so many reasons that Season 2 is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ train wreck.

Let me start by saying this: for a game maily about story and choice, there sure is a lot of illusion of story and choice. You can choose whatever you want, the ending you get is only made by your final few choices in the last episode. Nothing else you did will have any reprecussion or impact. Not to mention that the game gives you the illusion that you can save characters, but the truth is you cant. Again, the final few choices you do will be the only factors on which of the only characters left live or die. Other than that, you have no choices in who lives or dies, and thats just sad.

Another missed opprotunity is characters themselves. Their reactions to their friends dying is just laughable, and some of the characters (cough) SARAH (cough) we're never going to be given a fair chance at being an actual fleshed out thing. The creators didn't care about half of the in-game cast, thats just plain and simple.

Season 2 was awful. It will always be awful. However, it does have its good points.

Clementine grows as a character, and thats really interesting. Im starting to think the creators only put effort into her and perhaps Kenny. You see this girl grow into a tough survivor, saving herself and trying to save others along the way. She's still soft and kind, yet strong and willed, and i think thats just beautiful.

Not to mention the scenery is nice too.

But really? In conclusion? Its not a great game. It fundementally fails at the ONE THING story games are supposed to get right; story.

Sorry this review was long, but this needed to be said.
Postat 15 decembrie 2016.
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This game is so much fun. RIP to the rest of my free time to come.
Postat 26 noiembrie 2016.
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60.4 ore înregistrate (3.2 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Don't Starve gives me a will to live. Put on an episode of a podcast, get some pizza and chill out. It genuinely makes me happy to play.
Postat 5 noiembrie 2016. Editat ultima dată 9 februarie 2020.
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15.5 ore înregistrate (8.4 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
The Walking Dead is one of those games you'll never forget. Sure, it has sometimes has some bad voice acting and some bland graphics, but please dont let that ruin the game for you. The story is really good, and i suggest you go into this game looking for a great narritive rather than great gameplay. The characters are loveable, some you'll hate, and some you'll love to hate. Its not just a "always side with _" because you like them more, either. Sometimes your friends will do something you dont agree with and, in my opinion, that makes it a lot more realistic.

When this first came out, i played it on the 360 and absolutlely loved it. Sometimes you'll be crying, sometimes you'll be smiling. Give this game a try for sure if you love a good story.
Postat 29 octombrie 2016.
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149.5 ore înregistrate (9.5 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
If you want to make animations or posters but dont want to go through the long process of learning something like Maya or Blender, for the love of all thats holy download this. I literally learned how to use this in less than an hour. Its so easy, and its really fun.
Postat 24 octombrie 2016.
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0.8 ore înregistrate
♥♥♥♥. This game is actually good.
Im currently on night 2, i just got jumpscared by the bear one (i forget her name) and have to redo that part. But let me tell you. This game. Its actually good. It has dialog, and that dialog is hilarious, not to mention we have some actual names. Im excited to get to the end of this. Its legitimately scary with some humor put in. Please play it.
Postat 7 octombrie 2016.
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