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Senaste recensioner av Mister E

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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
93.7 timmar totalt (91.2 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Ever wanted to moonlight as a long-haul trucker? Fancy a relaxed drive across Europe? This game's for you then. It's really a nice change of pace from a typical racing game, but you still have a goal to reach to push you forward. Not only can you customize and drive your own truck, but you can also manage your own trucking company by buying spare trucks and hiring drivers to bring in extra income. The management part of the game isn't huge, but it's nice to have in addition to the driving. My only caution is to try out the demo or look up specs for your computer first though. I have a "decent" gaming machine and can run most recent games on high-ultra, but this one can be a little choppy even on low-medium settings.
4+(?) years later, the game is better than ever and still receiving love and attention from the devs, and still offers a wonderful, unique experience.
Upplagd 30 juni 2014. Senast ändrad 22 november 2017.
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