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게시 일시: 2020년 1월 22일 오후 12시 41분
업데이트됨: 2023년 12월 9일 오전 10시 14분

If you've always been a Saints Row fan and have played all the games in this franchise, Saints Row IV might come to you as a little bit disappointing. The entire universe has deviated a bit from what it used to be (emphasis in 'a bit') and that has made people upset but also has introduced many of us to an unruly, vast and massively corrupted world that allows you to be and to do a lot of things that in the previous games you could only dream of. Saints Row IV is different, yes, but it's absolutely crazy and one of the most fun, and addictive games I've ever played. It might be hard to get into at first but once you're in to discover every feature, superpowers and new enemies, you're not going to stop there because it's taking you on a wild ride of fun missions and activities through the visually stunning fake Steelport. Now on the bad side, this game is prompt to crash a few times during gameplay and you might encounter a few more bugs than you did in Saints Row The Third. And no, it's not because it's a simulation. If you can ignore that or deal with it without getting worked up I think you can probably enjoy the experience as much as I did.
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