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8 van de 8 (100%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

I'm Going to be a Fan of This Miya-san

Impress Miya on her first day of class.
Ontgrendeld op 25 okt 2019 om 7:13

A Little Favor

Accept responsibility for watching over Miya.
Ontgrendeld op 27 okt 2019 om 9:12

That's the End of It...

Discover Miya's true reason for missing class.
Ontgrendeld op 27 okt 2019 om 9:28

Getting Along Famously

Attempt to get Miya to attend class by force.
Ontgrendeld op 27 okt 2019 om 9:41

A Foolproof Plan

Successfully conduct the Tea Party.
Ontgrendeld op 29 okt 2019 om 7:05

The "F" Word

Find Miya skipping class outside campus.
Ontgrendeld op 31 okt 2019 om 5:44

Off The Hook

Retain perfect attendance via "extenuating circumstances."
Ontgrendeld op 2 nov 2019 om 5:52

Forever And Ever...

Complete the story.
Ontgrendeld op 8 nov 2019 om 5:15