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Neue Rezensionen von Michael ™

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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
11.3 Std. insgesamt (3.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
It's a well made game with easy to understand mechanics and breathtaking views!

I wouldn't say you will sink alot of hours into it though, although there is alot of content to go through.
Verfasst am 27. November 2023.
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19 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
2 Personen fanden diese Rezension lustig
68.0 Std. insgesamt (39.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Bought the game with the package expecting the team to work on a better experience of underwater exploration. Instead the team is working on a half-underwater / half-land version that doesn't even carry the original elements that got my attention in the first game. The seamoth/the cyclops are gone for example, the map is way smaller, in width and depth.

Having stayed on their discord, the development team is extremely rude with players even to the point of kicking them out of their discord. Especially "Obraxis" , should not even be allowed to talk there. They are also giving misinformation about future developments or not.

(Update after developer response)

It looks like when they encounter feedback they do not like they proceed to delete it and ban the person responsible. I also got accused by one of the developers for something I didn't do. Unfortunately this proves my case. I will gladly submit screenshots and proof if needed.

This should not happen to any player, especially a paying customer.
Verfasst am 20. Februar 2020. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 20. Februar 2020.
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Ein Entwickler hat am 20. Feb. 2020 um 16:28 geantwortet (Antwort anzeigen)
1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
8.4 Std. insgesamt
A leap forward ? Or a step backwards ?

When I think of Sid Meier Games, I think of complexity, good balancing, time investment. If I think about the first day I saw Starships announced, I was very enthusiastic about a space game made by the creators of Civilization. I couldn't wait until the day it comes out on Steam, checking every day the time left.

And then the time came, and I made the leap of faith to buy it and play it. What happened next not only puzzled me, it saddened me quite a bit.

The first time I launch a new game I always check the options menu to set up my audio and video settings. This time I couldn't find ANY graphic options and I started thinking of Starships like I would an unfinished/unpolished game. It felt like an Alpha version of a future game.

Nevertheless, I still wanted to see the game mechanics and what was in this game content wise.

A couple of clicks and choices later I was in a brand new universe managing a planet and 2 starships.

5 hours later and a few restarts I already finished the game on domination and I slapped my face because of the lack of a challenge behind the game. I'm not even inclined to open it another time for another game. :(

If you are looking for a quick, skirmish like, march of war style, starship game, this is the game for you, if not, don't bother.

My packet thoughts :

- over simplified options (every option included ! actions/buildings/research/ship modules/wonders/even the EPIC galaxy is tiny)
- very stupid AI (shoot 5 torpedoes towards them and they will turn tail and run)
- few research options and too easy to reach
- lvl 8 capacity on every ship module (WHAT?!)
- 8 maximum ships in a fleet !
- only 1 FLEET !
- very weak graphics

I hope with all my heart this is not a finished game. It had potential and it was a very, very, very bad failure!

Overall feeling for a PC game : 8 year old mentality

I think this game is much more suited for tablets or phones. Even those are more complex..... did you know they developed MMORPG's on tablets?!?!?!??

Please tell me your going to make massive changes to this game !
Verfasst am 14. März 2015. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 14. März 2015.
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