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9/22 (41%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Welcome to Luna Nights

Start the game.
Avattu 5.12.2023 klo 19.26

I'll Never Finish Cleaning at this Rate!

Defeat 100 minor enemies.
Avattu 5.12.2023 klo 19.37

Colorful Rainbow Gatekeeper

Defeat Meiling.
Avattu 6.12.2023 klo 17.00

Ordinary Witch

Defeat Marisa.
Avattu 6.12.2023 klo 23.54

An Immovable Great Library

Defeat Patchouli.
Avattu 7.12.2023 klo 2.03

The Eternally Young Scarlet Moon

Defeat Remilia.
Avattu 9.12.2023 klo 19.48

Aquatic Engineer

Defeat Nitori.
Avattu 9.12.2023 klo 23.11

Diabolic Wave

Defeat Flan.
Avattu 9.12.2023 klo 23.21

Perfect and Elegant Maid

Beat the game.
Avattu 9.12.2023 klo 23.24

Eternal Shrine Maiden

Defeat Reimu.

Extra, Extra!

Beat the extra stage.

Scarlet Devil Mansion Master

Uncover 100% of the map.

Weapon Collector

Collect all of the weapons.

Jewel Collector

Destroy all of the gems in the hidden rooms.

Leave It As You Found It

Throw all vending machine cans in the trash.

Bash 'n Go!

Defeat any boss in 10 seconds (not counting when time is stopped).

No Continues for You!

Beat the game without using any continues.

Boss Rush Rank S

Earn an S rank in Boss Rush.

Boss Rush Rank A

Earn an A rank in Boss Rush.

Boss Rush Rank B

Earn an B rank in Boss Rush.

Item Collector

Collect all of the items.

Touhou luna nights

Unlock all of the achievements.