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Senaste recensioner av Otak

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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
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8.3 timmar totalt (8.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Plot is weak. I feel like I wasted my time. I mean If you are going to play with 0 expectations then go ahead, you may like it. But god this was he most boring game I have ever played
Upplagd 1 augusti 2022.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
8 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
3.1 timmar totalt
i wonder in which purpose this game was developed. to question the nature of humanity? or the humanity of albert fish? i googled after finishing. his case was extraordinary inculing several psychiatrists. examined by them quite a while. albert fish suffered from many mental illnesses. having a rough childhood, growing in orphanage, returning to his mother whom was suffering from schizophrenia(says wikipedia). there was a quote in the end. ''there is a certain fascination that comes with our abhorence of violonce. we're disgusted by its apperance in society. yet we cant shake its allure. a fascination seemingly innate to our very genetic code.'' the last sentece. did you know that many mental disorders comes from neanderthals, like obssesion, schizophrenia as i heard. and there is a theory that our species encountered a genetic(or population) botteneck and lost most of our genetic variability. compared to other speices humans dont have most genetic diversity. i'm not an expert, but is it really in our genes, this tendency to violence? was this game trying to prove how impotent we are? did you lose your morality while playing? did you wanted to kill your father? your friend? an innocent girl? game didnt gave any choices. was albert fish desparete becaues this was simply in his nature? those psychatrist i spoke of, they found albert ''sane''. here is your morality. the court's decision fascinated me more. to cut it short. we all have that drive. yours just have been triggered.

there are much more things to be said. but it's just a mere review.
Upplagd 26 februari 2017.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
7 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
3.5 timmar totalt
Kesinlikle bekletilerimi aştı. 1 liraya aldığım öylesine bir oyunun bu kadar güzel olabileceği aklımdan geçmezdi. Müzikleri ve atmosferiyle sizi küçük bir kızın sıkışıp kaldığı dünyaya bağlıyor. Herhangi bir walkthrough ya bakmadan oyunu bitirmeye çalışmanızı tavsiye ederim. Nereye gideceğini kendiniz keşfedip bitiremeyeceğiniz bir oyun değil. Açıkçası kız ordan uyandırmaya çalışmamızı anlıyorum. Bırakılacak bir dünya değil. Gerek işe geç kalan hayalet olsun, gerek iğrenç esprisini yapan taş olsun. Tek gidemediğim yer mansiondaki do not cross yazan ikinci kapı. Bakmayı unuttum, açılıyo mu bilmiyorum. Tek eksiği kısa olması. Daha uzun olsa saatlerinizi verebileceğiniz bir oyun. Walkthrough ya bakmayıp duvar saatinden geçip kanser olmanızı diliyorum.


denizdeki geçitin anlamı yok. saati aldıktan sonra geri dönen benim gibii garibanlara geçmiş olsun.
Upplagd 27 december 2016.
Var denna recension hjälpsam? Ja Nej Rolig Utmärkelse
Visar 1–3 av 3 poster