Kira   Finland

Firstly, I'll have to apologize in advance, as I do not add nor accept friend requests from people I do not know in any way, anymore. I suppose I've become one of those boring adults who just don't have the energy to go through the same questions and subjects when getting to know someone, nor do I have energy to force myself to get to know people just for the sake of "getting to know people". If we keep bumping into each other in gaming world and have fun, then perhaps.. but I think my golden age for all that was back in early 2000's when I was a teen full of energy and life. Now, that that's through, here's information about me, in case you are still curious:

Made in Finland, in 1990 with the use of too many mixed ingredients. Graduated on the spring of 2018 as a graphic designer and even worked as one for a while. Before all that, I studied a little bit of this and that here and there. Later on decided to study tourism and hospitality in hopes of working in event industry or in a hotel, but decided to start aiming towards my true dreams. It requires a "little" detour, but we'll see how it goes.
I love to try out different games with my friends. I am an ambivert (mix of introvert and an extrovert), therefore I sometimes run out of energy to socialize so I hope you'll forgive me if I sometimes just don't have the energy to play games or have a moment of chit chat.

I love a good team work in co-ops, people who help out instead of being butt-heads. Basically, I respect people who respect people.

Mission failure isn't always the worst thing, what's worse is to have a team of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ around you. If you have a great team and you're having fun, redoing a mission because of a full wipe ain't so bad.


Movies and Tv series I enjoy (not in specific order and some of them have ended) :

The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supernatural, Lost in Space, Dark Matter, Being Human, Game of Thrones, Star Wars, Saving Hope, Humans, Alien Versus Predator, all Alien movies (including the new Alien: Covenant), Prometheus, Transformers, Mr Robot, X-Men (both new and old but I prefer newer ones because I'm a blop that likes Fassbender) ,
Stranger Things, Predator movies, and then there are a whole other movies and series I enjoy..

Finally.. some of the games I enjoy:

Destiny, Days gone, Rebel Galaxy, Mass Effect 1-3 + M.E Andromeda, most Star Wars games (including mmorpg The Old Republic), Assassin's Creed games, Skyrim and Elders Scroll Online, Tomb Raider, Ark Evolved, Star Wars - Jedi: Fallen Order etc. etc.

Random :

~ I'm not just an ambivert, I'm also ambidextrous with a very bad memory.
~ Sometimes I flirt as a joke, but I consider myself an aromantic asexual. For those who have no idea what it means and hate labels, it basically means I have no romantic nor sexual interest in anyone.
~ I have a very mixed up sense of humor so you've been warned. This does not mean I make jokes about harrassment or race. I do not.
~ I love traveling and meeting my friends from abroad (that I've known for several years and actually trust. I don't trust that many and I never meet anyone alone).
~ I'm quite insane and sometimes have trouble with empathy, so sorry about that in advance.
~ May the force be with you. :steamhappy:
:BD1: is cute. Fight me. Ok Don't.
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