United States
:shadeknight: No cost too great... :shadeknight:

I like to 100% games

{♬} Tonight 🌙 - I'm gonna have myseeelf 😎a real good tiiime 👍⏰. I feel ali-ii-iii-iiiiiiive 🌲! And the woooorld 🌎 🌐 I'll turn it inside-out 🔀, yeah ✌️I'm floatin' arooound 🌌 in ecs-ta-sy so DON'T ❌ stop me 🛑 NOOoow... 🎹🎶 DON'T 🚧❌ stop me ✋ 'CAUSE I'M havin' a good time ✔️ ⏰. HAVIN' A GOOD TIME ✔️ ⏰... I'm a shootin' star 🤩🌠 leaping through the SKYYYYY 🌇 like a tiger 🐯 , defying the laws ⚖️ of GRRR-AVI-TYYYY ❌ ⬇️ ! I'm a racing car 🏎️💨 , passing byyyy... like LADY GODIVA 🐎💃 ! I'm gonna go, go , GO , there's no stopping ❌ 🛑 meeee! 🤩 I'm burnin' 🔥 through the skyyyy 🌈 🎆 ☁️ , yea! TWO 💯DEGREES, :winter2019coolyul: that's why they call me 🗣️ Mr. Fahrenheeiiit 🌡️ ! I'm travelin' 🚚 at the speed of liiiiight 💡! I wanna 🙏 make a supersonic man outta you 🤯🤯🤯!
Stardew Valley
总时数 218 小时
成就进度   30 / 49
总时数 78 小时
最后运行日期:3 月 21 日
总时数 188 小时
最后运行日期:3 月 19 日