
Последние обзоры medli20

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157.0 ч. всего (60.2 ч. в момент написания)
TL;DR at bottom.

The PC port of Monster Hunter: World has been something I've been looking forward to for a long, long time. Having been a fan of both 4 Ultimate and Generations, I have a bit of experience playing the core games, which set up my expectations for MH:World.

Things I was expecting:
* fighting monsters
* Palicoes of varying levels of helpfulness
* loooooots of micro-managing
* agonizing over which combinations of armor pieces would create the best set
* Trying to figure out how the hell to upgrade my weapon to get what I want
* That feeling of despair when the monster flees your area and you forgot to mark it with a paintball
* A maybe-not-quite-immersive-but-still-fun and reliable multiplayer experience

Having said that, this game has taken my expectations and thrown them in a blender, for better or worse. I've seen some comments/reviews from other people complaining about the amount of foraging and micro-managing there is in the series. This is a series staple-- it's to be expected. Embraced, even.

There's still monsters to fight, and they are challenging. Palicoes in this game are not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but they are invaluable supports that can dig you out of a tight spot. The actual hunting feels AMAZING. While there aren't as MANY locales to explore as there were in past games, they're incredibly dense, immersive, and are full of all sorts of things to explore. Even when you're looking for a monster, finding a shiny gathering point or a new endemic creature to add to your collection of pets is a joy. Best of all is the tracking. In past games, if you forgot to bring paintballs to mark the monster, you were SOL if the Rathalos you were just fighting flew off to another area. In MH:World, tracking has been made easier and more immersive. You really feel like you're stalking a dinosaur through a jungle, rather than just checking your minimap for a big pink dot. Actually fighting the monster you've been hunting is also a delight. Damage counters are a delightful new addition and really help you keep track of what parts are more vulnerable than others. I've really only tried using the Hunting Horn in this game, but even just that feels weighty and satisfying to whack things with.

This game has taken the idea of armor skills and weapon upgrades and simplified the process significantly. Gone are the days of lamenting over the fact that you couldn't get enough points in Evade Dist to actually get a useful skill. ANY points in ANY skill will leave an impact. Being able to visualize the weapon upgrade trees is a godsend.

Overall, the game is fun as hell.

...if you're playing singleplayer. Multiplayer is an absolute trainwreck.

What's that? You used a voucher to double your hunt rewards, and you took off to fight this Kirin with your friend? That's all fine and all, but lol sucks for you, we've scaled up the difficulty for multiplayer and now your friend can't connect to your lobby because of server issues, so now you've wasted a valuable resource and you've died three times, gg

"Oh, but that's no problem for me, since I'm just gonna do LAN multiplayer with my roommate so I don't need to rely on Capcom's servers," you might say. WELL CAPCOM DON'T GIVE A ♥♥♥♥ ABOUT THAT, since your only option is online multiplayer. Seriously. You could be 5 feet away from the person you're playing with, and your session will still be ripped to shreds within three minutes of starting a mission because of some jive-ass servers held together by toothpicks and chewing gum.

And this happens. Every. Single. Time.

EDIT 22 AUGUST 2018: This bug is apparently on Steam's end, not Capcom's. Regardless of whose fault it is, if multiplayer is important to you, this will severely hamper your enjoyment of the game.
disregard that, this has been fixed. I'd still like to see LAN support though.

There's a solution floating around on the interweb about disabling Steam's new friends overlay to improve performance, but even that does little to improve anything. It's gotten to the point where my boyfriend (the most hardcore MH fan that I know, started playing around Freedom Unite) and I are just completely turned off from playing what SHOULD be the most ambitious, immersive, beautiful game in this series that we are both enamored with.

And to top it off: You might just lose your entire save file because of a glitch that happens around the end of the game. I haven't experienced it yet myself, but it's well-documented, and now I'm paranoid as hell, digging around my steam files and making backups of ♥♥♥♥ I shouldn't actually have to back up with regular, unmodded gameplay.

EDIT 22 AUGUST 2018: Apparently this is a misconception. There is a bug that will crash your game during the last cutscene, and attempts at loading back into your game will put you back into the same cutscene that your machine will be unable to play, depending on your operating system. A current hotfix is to update your media codecs. More information can be found here. This, however, does not change my opinion on the jankiness of the game, since it is a massive bug with such an obscure fix that we should not be dealing with in 2018. The time of Commodore 64s has passed. At the very least, this information should be on the system requirements.


Overall: 10/10 gameplay, when things go well
MASSIVE, COLOSSAL game-breaking bugs that make the game feel like pulling teeth.

As such, I cannot FULLY recommend the game in its current state. If all you want to do is singleplayer, and you're careful about backing up your save file, then definitely give it a go. If multiplayer is your jimmy-jam, then stay well away from this game until there's a fix.

Edit 25 August 2018: Game's been fixed. After playing for a good few hours on the newest patch (as of writing this review), I have no further issues with this game. A+ game, would highly recommend. Stayed up way too late playing with Boyfriend and now we're both extremely sleepy and satisfied with our purchase. Apparently, changing the rating to "recommended" also clears out steam user ratings so I want it to be on record that this review had a rating of 348 "helpful" and 43 "funny." I'm a very delicate person and I need every bit of validation from strangers to make life easier for me. Waaaah. Great game tho, definitely worth the loss of internet points. (end edit)

Also I found The Handler to be obnoxious. Bring back Guildmarm.
Опубликовано 19 августа 2018 г.. Отредактировано 25 августа 2018 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 20
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300.0 ч. всего (144.1 ч. в момент написания)
As far as open-world games go, this is probably one of my favorites. Which isn't really saying much because I'm casual as frick and haven't played many open-world games, but WHATEVER

I dig the soundtrack, I dig the world, I dig the lore, I dig the characters. I dig being able to create pretty much any character I want, even if I eventually wander back onto the path of the Sneak Archer. I love completing dungeons, I love learning words of power, I love looting the crap out of everything, I love collecting hundreds of bottles of booze and stashing it all away in the cabinet in Honeyside.

As much as I love this game, it does have its faults. The combat can be clunky at times. Some dungeons feel repetitive. (oh boy, more draugar.) The physics engine is hilariously buggy, though this can be a definite plus if you enjoy watching inanimate objects get flung across the map if you breathe on them wrong. The main questline feels somewhat bland at times, though it's a good incentive to branch out and do the more interesting sidequests. Some of the character interactions are awkward. I forget the name of the argonian guy in the Bee and Barb, but I helped him craft a wedding ring and then I extorted his lover as part of the Thieves Guild questline. Now whenever I talk to him, he tells me how much he loves me and then promptly tells me to walk off a bridge because I suck. Also vanilla Skyrim won't let me marry Faendal, even though he has been my best bro since Riverwood. Oh well, I guess that's what mods are for.

Additional points of interest: mods can really help you tailor this game to specifically meet your wants and needs. Also if you suffer from first-person-games-make-me-want-to-vomit-because-I-am-sensitive-as-hell-to-this-kind-of-stuff syndrome like I do, then rejoice! This game can be played in third person for an experience that is much friendlier to your stomach.

Overall, this game is freaking gorgeous and I love it. It's not perfect, but if you love to explore, this game is right for you.
Опубликовано 6 сентября 2015 г.. Отредактировано 6 сентября 2015 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 17
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1,625.1 ч. всего (825.6 ч. в момент написания)
Ruined my life. 10/10
Опубликовано 9 августа 2014 г..
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