Man! I should update this. Moar than 10 years old info.

Lord Executioner of Carnage-under-Bloodshed

Dark Messiah name: LordExecutioner
Fistful of Frags name: Marshal T. Justice
Age of Chivalry name: King Arthur
Counter-Strike name: NCIS SpA Gibbs
Far Cry 2 name: SpA_Gibbs

since Oct 2007 a cool new pc - great 4:
Far Cry 2 since 10/28/2008- this is a Must Have
The Lord of the Rings Conquest
Unreal Tournament 3 since October 2007
Dark Messiah
Star Trek Online
The Witcher

Feel free to send me messages, but respect my wish not being disturbed, when I set my status to busy. So please start chatting when I am online or away. I do the same to you. Thank you.

Now I own the games COD Modern Warfare 2 and Left4Dead 2.

I can slam a revolving door!
When I jump into water, I do not get wet, the water gets Allan!

If you want to send me an e-Mail:

formerly known as CAPT Picard or j-l_p or LordExecutioner
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