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Публикувани: 5 юни 2021 в 21:54

CS:GO рецензия
CS:GO is a timeless classic, one not affected by time. The 9 year old game still kicks strong with its bolstering community and widespread skin market. The pro scene is the oldest and has paved ways for newer games to take example from the prestige the CS competitive scene has seen. But certain things make it hard to recommend for a casual player...

The Good:
-Refined gun-play system
-Possibility of going pro/semi-pro is achievable through outside means
-Games competitiveness (out of silver) is a positive way for people to grow and refine their skills
-Skin Market is probably one of the best in any game I've played. Being able to sell/buy skins from other players is a better alternative to many other approaches to skin, the ability to trade also really pushes this system forward

The Bad
-Casual play is not promoted. Many people find enjoyment with casual gun-play, but CS's movement and firing systems are not suited for the most casual of gamers, but if you put enough time into the game it's not hard to learn these things.
-Cheating and Smurfs are unavoidable in many FPS games, however Valve's system to approaching this (through Prime Status) was quite lackluster, however recent update makes it so you have to pay for Prime to be able to compete in the Competitive Game-Mood (AN EXTREMELY GOOD CHANGE, as many cheaters/smurfs are able to grind accounts to level 21 and receive prime status to play with normal players). Cheaters are demoralizing from both casual and competitive play, and sometimes feels like Valve doesn't do much in the way of stopping them.
-Match-Making system is not good and incredibly tedious to rank up. I've found myself on win-streaks, then loosing one game and dropping down a rank. Valve needs change this elo-system as it's very miss-representative of skill rating and more based on a "play more to get a better rank".
-The worst part of the game is the developer team behind it. Valve is very uncommunicative with its player-base, normally pushing out updates without consideration from the Community. This can lead to updates negatively affecting game play, the market, and even the competitive scene. Especially now-a-days, they are actively competing with Valorant so many changes they have made are very reminiscent of Valorant's. These changes come abruptly without any patch notes before hand, leading to it majorly affecting parts of the community. (buy for others system and unranked/ranked slider)

Overall, the game has good strengths, is a classic in the FPS scene, and is definitely worth picking up to see what many people enjoy about the game itself. However I can't recommend it to someone who doesn't enjoy FPS games as the main driving force behind the players of the game is the strive to get better, and usually this requires hours upon hours of dedication. I would make this review a maybe, but steams binary review system is unable to portray this. Casual gamers normally push the forefront for the success of a game, but if it's hard to do so then many are neglected by the developers themself. Valorant does a good job at doing this, which valve definitely needs to start doing if they wish to keep their large player base. Will the game die? Definitely not, as the pro scene and skin market are the main driving points behind it, but it will struggle.
If you are a person that's willing to dedicate their time into improving themselves as a player, or just someone casual who wants an FPS game to play with friends (as I wouldn't recommend it solo-casually) then this is the game for you.
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