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Останні рецензії користувача Rocky

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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
163.2 год. загалом (122.3 год на момент рецензування)
2nd best COD zombies game ever 🔥
Додано 4 лютого 2024 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 456
Людей вважають цю рецензію кумедною: 14
1,717.1 год. загалом (1,118.5 год на момент рецензування)

Playing this game online can be risky as hackers are able find your IP address, mess with your in-game / weapons / health / money, find out your personal information, install rats on your PC & even get into your computer. Although this isn't super common it's still a legitimate thing that people need to know about & should look into before spending their money on this game. It doesn't happen as much to random players but Streamers have to play this game in offline mode whenever they stream themselves playing otherwise the hackers will mess with whatever they're doing by trying to get them banned.
Please google "Black ops 3 PC security risks 2022". It really is a shame that Treyarch isn't coming back to fix this very serious problem in their game, but let's be real Activision more than likely isn't letting them.

TL;DR: Be cautious of potential security issues, but I would highly recommend this game to anyone who likes Call of Duty Zombies / zombies in general or who wants to get into the Call of Duty Zombies franchise.

Now for my review:
Best call of duty game ever for Zombies. Definitely can be a challenge to find multiplayer matches nowadays but zombie matches aren't hard to find as long as you're playing the "popular" maps. The "less popular" maps are more difficult to find a match on but it's still possible, especially if you search for a match at the right time of day. This goes for multiplayer as well, if you search for a match during specific times you will be more likely to find matches (I'm not entirely sure when these times are so I wont even leave my guess here). This is likely because of people in different time-zones getting up / getting off work or school and getting on the game.
This game is the best thing to ever happen to the Zombies series in terms of gameplay, storyline, progression & more. There are endless tasks, items & surprises in each map that keep you coming back for more and having a different experience each time! It truly is a wonderful & fun game that has offered me more re-play ability than any other game I've ever experienced, especially with custom zombies/mod tools. With community made maps there's literally endless maps/levels to play on, & because of mod tools we not only have the remakes that come with Zombies Chronicles but we also have the visually stunning remakes of Mob of the Dead, Call of the Dead & Town, with Buried as well as Die Rise on the way for 2023/2024! I would highly recommend this game to anyone who likes Call of Duty Zombies / zombies in general or who wants to get into the Call of Duty Zombies franchise.
Додано 10 січня 2023 р..
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