Maruka Toores
Ei tietoja.
Folk and folkettes, after blood, sweat and tears where sacrificed to the Chaos Gods in sufficient quantities, t'is finally here! GCCM, with the aid of Vandy, brings you... Tiny Little Cities: Dynamic Settlement Skins This mod provides a new layer of campai
Attikas 25.2.2024 klo 9.33 
Hi Maruka,
I really liked your Mods from Warhammer 2 and just wanted to ask if you know a way to port them into Wh 3?
Choquito 5.9.2023 klo 7.30 
Hey friend, what's missing to take these appetizing mods to 3 too? I had to come here to find out what the problem was, I loved the image you put on the map, go to 3 and do it with the capitals of each race. please ksksksksks
Smigmarite ArchLector 22.7.2023 klo 11.00 
Hey! Missing out on GCCM mods for W3! Plzzz <3
SztymPuncher 19.3.2023 klo 17.02 
Hello, are You and Your team planning to port GCCM mods to Total War: Warhammer 3? Thats were the best graphics mods for previous version of game...
YADA 21.1.2023 klo 4.49 
Thanks for the mod, can they be ported to Warhammer 3?
Apolo 4.11.2022 klo 15.00 
when we will see your beautiful mods en TWW3?