
Последние обзоры Marigore

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4.7 ч. всего (4.4 ч. в момент написания)
a very passionate and well thought out mod that puts you in shoes of a resistance member, game has decent playtime with few secrets here and there and not too challenging puzzles, introduces new mechanics and has some balance changes from good to bad.
the mod has one of the more original stories that I've seen in a HL2 mod which portrays the side of resistance more, all the conflicts and the fact that the resistance is not just one big group, you play as one of the original lambda resistance infiltrating to an opposing resistance.

the good:
- great gameplay, each chapter has something unique and new
- puzzles are pretty easy if you played HL2 before, some of the concepts returning from the OG games but has some new mechanics put into them
- amazing soundtrack, it isn't the same as the original OST of HL2 however it does fit the gameplay very well
- decent story, the thought is there and you somewhat understand what the game is going for, however don't expect an AAA story.
- weapon handling is good, inclusion of iron sights makes the gameplay feel a little more tactical
- exploration is rewarded just like HL2, you can find later weapons early on but you won't get the ammo for it
- game introduces new world models which are very beautiful and fit the style of HL2
- new models for combine, rebels and zombies, they are fantastic and also fit the style
- certain enemies have been changed and feel actually threatening, for example the elites in one section on hard difficulty have kicked my ass for few tries and actually made me break a sweat
- new arsenal of weapons, you do get few same weapons from HL2 however you also get new ones which work together
- weapons to me feel like they have been buffed and nerfed; one of the good buffs is shotgun, powerful and has more range, the MVP which you will use almost to the end
- unique mod options, you can have more realistic side to the game by having only magazines (you discard ammo on reload), manual bolt cycling and reloading of alt fire ammo, it also has option for viewmodel range

the bad:
- on topic of weapons, revolver has been nerfed to the point it isn't worth using
- most weapons are useless in general because they are overshadowed by the smg and shotgun, mainly the sniper rifle, pistol and revolver (because of it's nerfs), the game also adds new impact grenade which shares ammo pool with rpg replacement however grenades are barely used outside puzzles and some story progression
- friendly npcs pathfinding is still pretty broken
- long loading times if you have weaker pc
- a lot of the map is just for show, sometimes you are rewarded for exploration, other times you aren't

the ugly:
- engrish, sentencing isn't perfect but you get the idea
- free mod quality voice acting, charming but not the best by any means
- the story is there however it draws more conclusions with the visual representation than storytelling
- some parts of the game have lower fps, most likely because of the large areas

all in all, I very highly recommend this mod if you are fan of HL2 in general, easy to pick up and easy to finish, below average playtime but enjoyable nonetheless, unfortunately because of the engrish and subpar voice acting I couldn't take it as seriously as the mod wanted me to, but I still understood the story and what it was portraying, nonetheless very enjoyable and fun experience

final rating, 8/10
Опубликовано 17 августа 2023 г..
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9.6 ч. всего (8.8 ч. в момент написания)
this game is only for those who do not get angry easily.

I cannot rate this game neutral so I will unfortunately have to go with negative as that is how I felt at the end of my first playthrough.

I went into this game believing it would be a fun, fast-paced slash game where it would be non-stop action and constant parkour, while yes, 90% of the game is that, this game almost weeded me out at the first boss which completely turned the gameplay counter clockwise and it only got worse after that.

I beat the game and now I'm stubbornly trying to beat hardcore mode without trying to rip my hair out.
EDIT: I gave up on hardcode mode, it is just not worth trying even if you do not get angry easily, this mode tests your patience and just wondering how much ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you're able to take until you give up, I do not recommend this difficulty even if you found the base game easier than me, the only positive thing is that almost all the dialogue is muted, the unnecessary/slow puzzles and segments are disabled and you also have all your skills and abilities

the good:
- core gameplay is fun, outsmarting your enemies and killing back to back is immensely fun, the parkour moments are also insanely satisfying
- abilities are fun and all have their own purpose
- unique skill system so you can't just grab all the good ones and beat the game easily
- almost no rng, it is just purely your skill (except for one enemy)
- unique enemies, all of them have their own weaknesses and strengths and they don't repeat up to the end of the game (except the same one enemy that also gives you the rng bull)
- the game doesn't reward nor punish you for thinking outside the box, there are minimal amount of death barriers and no invisible walls, you can parkour completely differently than intended and still progress likewise you can beat combat encounters differently than intended as well

the bad:
- bugs, parkour system can ♥♥♥♥ you over just for the sake of it, sometimes you do not kill the enemy even if you hit them
- aimbot enemies up close, if you miss your timing on dash or sensory boost, you will get shot 100% of the time and you have to repeat the combat scene
- enemies ranging from just annoying to downright broken (almost no in-between)
- bosses are completely useless in this game, they are there just for the sake of the story (final "boss" after what you thought was the final boss is decent)
- tutorials and mechanics explained at start, later on just thrown at you and you're expected to know
- projectiles are way too fast and sensory boost just doesn't feel like it's enough to avoid them (in hardcore mode especially)

the ugly:
- this game is HARD , you will die in one hit and you will kill in one hit, and you WILL die often, no avoiding it
- without a skill, enemies can be easily missed and you can die without knowing they were there
- indicator to show you where to go will straight up just be missing and you have no idea where to go
- you can easily get lost without knowing where to go as well
- unlike mirror's edge where highlighted objects are easily discerned so you know where to go, in this game they blend in with the environment and you have no idea where to go some of the times
- ziplines are completely awful, they have the tiniest of hitboxes so you just miss latching on and fall into a pit
- don't bother with hardcore mode, finish the game once and don't touch it at all.

I'm rating this game at 5/10, when the game is fun, it is immensely fun but when it starts going sour, you feel like you want to smack the ♥♥♥♥ out of the level and enemy designer(s) of this game.

If you have really high patience and have no anger issues, pick this game up 100%.
If you however struggle with parkour games and get easily flustered, avoid this game at all costs, not even assisted mode will save you from 50% of the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ this game will throw at you.
Опубликовано 10 августа 2023 г.. Отредактировано 12 августа 2023 г..
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20.5 ч. всего (4.2 ч. в момент написания)
It's like a playable pixar movie.
Опубликовано 26 ноября 2021 г..
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