Fourskin Apostle   Norrbottens Lan, Sweden
watch toaru don't @ me

my favorite game of all time is fearless fantasy (false btw)
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제품 평가 전시대
421시간 플레이
Short Review: Buy it

Long Review:
(Spoiler warning for game mechanics? It's best go in blind, but I won't touch on lore/story here)

I personally love the setting, the world, and all the creatures, items and places. The game is nerve-wracking hard at points, and it can seem unfair at times. The big, powerful creatures look terrifying, and the fact that everything one-shots you in this game doesn't make them cuddlier. The environments and the background really lookes gorgeous and beatiful. Just remember to stay on your toes, because anything might kill you while you adore the scenery. The creatures looks unique, and you will soon memorize the characteristics of most of them.

The world is HUGE, and it seems even HUGERER because you have to die and start over a lot of times. The karma system combined with the Rain system makes you want to hurry and find food, and then the next shelter. It's really terrifying to have a race against time while avoiding colorful disco-lizards and enjoying the environments.

There is, as said, some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ times in this game. Such as when you enter a tunnel whose exit harbors a monster that insta-kills you, and you didn't even know that it existed. Or when you just walk into another screen and get munched on by everything sitting there and taking advantage of the screen-system (just remember that the Slugcat can sometimes survive a bite, lest your predator takes you into it's nest).

BTW I've heard people having problems with controls, well, I don't. Maybe because I use a GamePad? My friend who plays on a keyboard has no probles with some advanced movement such as bellyslide, but struggles with backflips

Arena mode is an element of the game that has consumed a substantial amount of my time. It's got solid maps, ~35 I believe, and with tweakable options you can play the way you want (not to mention sandbox, where you decide literally everything). Though, the legit way to achieve all the creatures in the arena/sandbox modes would require you to visit every location in the main game at least twice. This can be circumvented by some save file manipulation. I usually play arena with a friend of mine during breaks between classes, and after the schoolday is done when waiting for the bus. This works perfectly with how arena mode works; you play a match on each map where weapons, creatures and food spawns.

We've had matches that were literally 1 second long (no, this is not a joke). Winning a match (either by killing the competition or/and by eating more than them) nets you a point, and that is saved until the next time you open up the game. That means you can play a few matches and then pick up after a boring 90-minute lecture in social science (and that, at least arena mode, is perfect for the switch). Playing with agressive AI, max amount of creatures and a 30-second rain timer makes for some whacky shenanigans that I'll remember fondly, and badly as I literally broke one of my controllers in a fit of rage.

Overall 10/10
I just love this game, recommended to anyone that seeks a challange or just some exploration (both actually) (there are now two more playable characters that caters more to the exploration feel as well as the challenge playstyle respectively)
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