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Скорошни рецензии на LT. BOLD

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13.2 изиграни часа (4.4 часа по време на рецензията)
I like this game, especially if you bought it at a discount. I'm not an old Diablo fan, but I used to play 3rd and Immortal, and I 4th part is the best for me.

If you don't expect too much from this game, and you just wanna slash tons of evil spirits, you're gonna enjoy.
Публикувана 25 ноември 2023.
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41.4 изиграни часа (12.2 часа по време на рецензията)
First launch was so bad...
Almost 2 years after release, and I can say - game is better right now. But still shame for DICE.
Last Update was added one of the best CQB maps into this game, yes, after 2 years.
Perfomance right now is 20% better than 2 years ago, but still too much bugs. Crossplay only lobbies, more than 50% are bots. Idk why.
Players really don't give you any chance for teamplay, I remember me playing BF3/BF4 - god, this is much different experience.
There is no friendly community anymore, no voice chat talks, no late night playing. Time runs very fast and most of BF 2042 players - play on PS4/XBOX. And real BF fans just refuse to play it.

So I'll prefer to play this game with EA Play subscriptions, but I'm still not going to recommend buying it.
Публикувана 21 октомври 2023.
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1.7 изиграни часа (0.4 часа по време на рецензията)
I've done this game on Xbox. And that's what I'm thinking.

Graphics are good, but not so perfect, because NFS 2016 has almost this level of graphics.
Idea with cartoon effects also interesting but doesn't look really good, as it shows on gameplay trailer.
Character customise not very good, u have very limited options of real-brands clothing and some basic wear.
History very baaad, reminds me Fast & Furious, again about mechanic shop, criminal and other cliche things.
And don't even try to play this game on difficulty more than Relaxed, because you're gonna be all sweat and angry,
AI(NPC'S) are very unbalanced, cops gonna hard focus only on you, opponent cars gonna be faster than you anyways, one little mistake and you're gonna be last.

As result, I only recommend to try this game with EA Play subscription, don't buy this piece of NFS.
Публикувана 15 октомври 2023.
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35.5 изиграни часа (23.9 часа по време на рецензията)
So, after about 25 hours in this game I could tell you something.

First of all, game is easy to learn but hard to master, you should learn about movement, mechanics of legends(characters) and their skills. Also, you should master at least main weapons that people mostly use in this game.

Good thing that this game doesn't have any toxic players, I've never met someone who said something bad to me. Also, players can tell you about how to do something if you're new player.
Comparing to Warzone right now I like this game better, because I've also never experienced any bugs or cheaters. I really like it because I can just chill and play.

Perfomance & graphics are pretty good, even some Potato PC can run this game, but mid-range PC I guess will be better. I running game all low, to have good vision and also have more then 144+ fps, but it's still look pretty and my computer fell himself very chill and good.

The best legends for me Bangalore, Bloodhound and Lifeline, most easiest to handle when you're newbie, so I can recommend to start with them. But all legends are good balanced, so you're not gonna have any problem with imbalanced legends.

Battle Pass and other paid things well priced, you can buy Battle Pass for 9 dollars and easily grind max level. Quests are interesting and easy to finish, I have 50+ lvl of Battle Pass only after 25 hours of gameplay. Rewards also balanced, each 10-20 levels you're gonna get Legendary items and pretty skins.

TDM mode can give you some more fun and you're also gonna get XP from it. I play this mode when I'm overwhelmed with Battle Royale or very angry and tired.

As a result, I recommend that every fan of the Battle Royale genre or those who want to try at least take a look at Apex Legends. I think this game will be able to hold a lot of people for a long time.
Публикувана 15 октомври 2023.
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31.4 изиграни часа (24.1 часа по време на рецензията)
Рецензия от „Ранен достъп“
Graphics: Comparing to BF 2042(don't compare this games, really), graphics are really bad. But, if you have low-end PC or wanna focus yourself on gameplay, you're gonna enjoy. Because, I played both Ultra and Very Low, and I like - Very Low more. With Ultra picture better and even looks very nice for the game like this but vision starts being really bad, comparing to very low.

Perfomance: I've had more than 100+ FPS on my budget laptop, so I can say that this game really optimised for each PC, even for Potato ones.

Gameplay: I really like that there is still too many maps/weapons/vehicles and skins to examine, and developers still make updates often adding more content to this game. People mostly funny, not toxic at all, thanks for voice chat, it make you enjoy the game, not always try hard and make yourself sweat to win. I've had lots of funny situation and I had conversations with lots of very friendly people.

Balance: I don't really like balance here, most people use Vector here, and it's really unbalanced gun. It sprays really fast, and without any recoil, also reload very quick on this gun.

Bugs: Oh... Bugs... You're gonna experience lots of bugs, but not critical ones. More like "WTF?" ones. Accidentally hoping Helicopter rope, flying somewhere - for example.

Price: Price is very affordable for this type of game, I've bet you're not gonna regret buying this game, because I stopped playing this game for a couple months and then I saw that during this time game was updated a huge amount of times, and I have more things to explore right now.

Difficulty: This game not difficult to learn, but could be very competitive and hard to master. Depends on your experience in FPS Shooters and BF look-a-like games.
Публикувана 30 юли 2023. Последно редактирана 15 октомври 2023.
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33.1 изиграни часа (19.0 часа по време на рецензията)
I played this game only for 18 hours, and now I know who my father is, I visited doctors a several times, but thanks to this game community, I know about my cancer. I can only think how many interesting things about myself I can find out here!
Публикувана 21 май 2023.
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