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投稿日: 2022年11月25日 8時31分

I pre-purchased the game 3 years ago on RGSC when it was a client exclusive. Now after 3 years, I've decided to buy it again, so I can have it in my library, and have my 5th playthrough. This sentence alone should tell you what masterpiece this game is.
Don't hesitate buying it for even a second! Definitely the one of the game-of-all-time contenders. 10/10
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2 件のコメント
Maj0r P1st0l 2022年11月29日 5時47分 
درود به شرف پایینی :angryskull:
Tekina 2022年11月28日 9時04分 
این بازی اگه امسال هم منتشر می‌شد
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