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carlmacc 14 Jun, 2019 @ 9:41am

Hi, I launched a board game project on kickstarter I would be grateful if you could share the link as much as you can!
Thank you
carlmacc 5 Jan, 2019 @ 8:59am 
published new mod - Bilbo'adventure- bye
Grognakh 22 Oct, 2013 @ 3:24pm 
Just finished your Wine merchant's basement mod on Legend of Grimrock.
It was really fun, thank you!
carlmacc 3 Jan, 2013 @ 4:34pm 
I have seen your url : you are a big big programmer! I should like you try one of my mods :the hospital. The english is a little bad(I am italian) and elementar, but I hope you understain the atmosphere I try ti give to this different kind of adventure. However almost all the players like this work as I hope you like it. The decree of an expert is always the best. bye
WarNev3rChanges 20 Nov, 2012 @ 10:42pm 
I'm doing birthday drunkenness right now, but I'd love - LOVE - to talk Grimrock with you tomorrow. :)