Magic Ray
Liege, Belgium
Teams DoD 1.3:

- Clan-Insecte (**C-I**) - 01/09 au 03/09 - Player
- Les serials Dodeurs (`LsD_#) - 04/09 au 10/09 - Leader et Fondateur
- Live Still Multigaming (L.Still .) - 11/09 au 09/10 - Player puis Leader Line Up DoD 1.3
- noTag (nT .) - 02/11 - Player
- Le Sénat et le Peuple (``SpQr) - 03/11 au 06/11 - Player


- 2e Arbre Bronze AgaiN# Tournament Series with `LsD_#
- 1/8 Arbre Silver AgaiN# Tournament Series with `LsD_#
- 4e Poule Amateur Championnat #1 Games-League with Live Still
- 1/8 Finale DoD Night Cup #Two ESL with Live Still
- Phase de groupes French DoD Tournament ClanBase with Live Still
- 1/8 Finale Arbre 2 Night Cup Privilege sCs with Live Still
- 5e Division Elite League Saison 4 SeS with Live Still
- 4e Night Cup Old Maps sCs with Live Still
- 1/4 Finale Loser Bracket - Tour 2 Coupe de France DoDFrance with Live Still
- 2e Ray Night Cup 2010 sCs-esport with Live Still
- 1/4 Finale Fevrier Cup 2011 EsE-Gaming with noTag 2

- 8e French Ranking Mai 2010 sCs-esport with Live Still
- 7e French Ranking Juillet 2010 sCs-esport with Live Still
- 6e French Ranking Mars 2011 EsE-Gaming with ``SpQr
- 9e European Ranking Mars 2011 EsE-Gaming with ``SpQr