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기록상 0.0시간
This DLC is like a fine cheese,
generally stinky to a lot of people, but if you have the taste buds to enjoy it, then it will be delicious and fantastic addition to Fallout NV, and completely worth the small price tag.

  • Exceptional horror atmosphere
  • Consistent tone and immersion, and fantastic world-building
  • Exciting, engaging, and very human characters
  • An interesting plot
  • A completely different playstyle to the rest of Fallout NV
  • Challenging enemies
  • Creative weapons
  • The gameplay is often frustrating
  • The locations and scenery can become repetitive
  • The fear and challenge slowly becomes less prominent througout
  • The enemies are quite unvaried and repetitive
  • The ending was quite abrupt, and unsatisfying

As I said before, Dead Money is not something for everyone, as all of it's atributes can easily be seen as positive or negative. While some like the slower, more thoughtful and cautious gameplay, others could become bored easily, with no minigun to mow down rows and rows or raiders but if you want that you could always buy Lonesome Road.
However, even the people who enjoy survival horror will find faults in Dead Money, as although Obsidian did a great job making a scary, powerless atmosphere, the engine really isn't that great for it, and you will find yourself getting frustrated because you didn't make that jump, or couldn't see that mine, and died because of it. The story is strong though, and although the ending left me a bit dissapointed, that was more of the fact that the gameplay had worn me down, and I just wanted to plough through it at that point.
I would still reccomend though, as it provides the courier with a challenge that practically leaves the game by the time you get to Primm, and that is raw, genuine survival. All the Fallout NV's DLC's provide a different type of gameplay, and I would advise you to check out this one, if only to add a breath of fresh air to the game.
2017년 5월 19일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 197.9시간 (평가 당시 162.3시간)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim:

  • Fantastic combat
  • Varied playstyles
  • Blanaced, challenging gameplay
  • Huge open world, with immense detail
  • Large amount of content for various quests
  • Great replayability
  • Excellent DLC
  • Fantastic community created mods, which are easily installed from steam

  • The majority of storylines seem like busywork
  • Hardly any of the characters are engaging, or have any personality
  • The game can be a bit buggy at times, especially with mods
  • Areas and enemies can become repetitive and boring

Overall, Skyrim is definitly worth your time, seeing as it is fairly cheap, and has easily hundreds of hours of content. The gameplay is very fun, and the open world is put to good use, by being varied, and by giving quests that explore it to its fullest potential, whilst still leaving areas for players to discover by themselves. The largest problem in Skyrim by far is that although the quests are fun to do, that seems to be the only motive for them. It was a rare case when I was doing a quest because I felt genuinly attached to the characters or the storyline, it always seemed to be "just do it because, why not?". Despite this, there are still a handful of interesting charaters in Skyrim, and I suppose it's inherent in the nature of such a large open world game that most of the characters aren't that engaging. However, none of the negatives are deal breakers in any way, and a lot of fun can be had from creating your own story and goals (like my first playthrough, where I just walked east to Riften, ignoring the main story becuase I wanted to join the theives guild to sell my stolen loot).
Definitly worth the relativly small price, 9/10
2017년 5월 12일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 37.1시간 (평가 당시 35.1시간)
A really great game, vast, lush and beautiful environments, a great difficulty curve, a fun sandbox, which dosn't take away from the impact of the excelent story, really what more could you want?
Plus your method of aproach is entirely up to you!
Want to take out a camp by stealth? Go for it!
Wanna run in guns blazing? Sure!
Wanna get a tiger to kill all of the guards? No problem!
2016년 11월 26일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 18.5시간 (평가 당시 2.8시간)
Undertale is truely a breath of fresh uniqueness in the stale current world of video games, everything about it is different and engaging! The soundtrack is incredible and detailed, the scenery perfectly mathces it, but by far the best part of this game is the characters and their hugely funny, though-provocing diolouge! If a games leave me in tears at one minute and physically laughing at the next, that it's well worth every penny, of its cheap price. Go get this game! :-)
2016년 2월 11일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 0.3시간 (평가 당시 0.1시간)
Kinda boring, the dialogue was dry and unfunny, and i just really felt like it was trying to hard to not try hard, that the end product was just a dull game that doesn't properly portray an ironic humor that other games so effortlessly master.
2015년 5월 24일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 27.1시간 (평가 당시 6.9시간)
This game is really, really fun! I picked it up in a sale because i heard about it, but didn't really know what it was about, and i played it for basicly the whole afternoon! Great fun, very addictive, and very simulating. I acctully felt really bad for my fans when i accedently produced a bad game! All in all, really good fun, and i recomed you get it! :)
2014년 12월 28일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 18.5시간 (평가 당시 4.7시간)
This game is a feast for the eyes, ears and everything else. With a story that drops my jaw every moment, and amazing spells (the're called vigors in the game), it's just full to bursting with beauty and originality.
Play this game, Mr Dewit!
2014년 10월 29일에 게시되었습니다. 2015년 1월 20일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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기록상 25.1시간 (평가 당시 3.3시간)
risk of rain is a fun game, which is relitively chalanging, but still gives you a sense of progress when you complete a level. it can be infuriating a times, and i wouldn't reccomend playing it for prolonged periords of time, however it's a nice game to pick up and play for ten minuets when your bored.
2014년 5월 19일에 게시되었습니다.
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