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Análises recentes de Maeve

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52.1 hrs em registo (46.1 horas no momento da análise)
Publicado a 5 de maio. Última alteração: 5 de maio.
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7.2 hrs em registo (1.5 horas no momento da análise)
awesome game, people complaining about knuckle controllers dropping stuff randomly and difficulty to grab are lying. its not, just grip.
Publicado a 24 de dezembro de 2023.
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163.8 hrs em registo (95.3 horas no momento da análise)
I have a love-hate relationship with for honor. This game is all about fighting, much like Mordhau and other similar titles, but it has a unique twist that can both captivate and frustrate you in the span of a single day.

On one hand, there's nothing quite like the adrenaline and dopamine rush you get from pulling off some truly epic kills in For Honor. It's an amazing feeling that can easily make this game my top pick for one of the best games ever. On the other hand, there are moments when the game's mechanics can leave you feeling utterly defeated and ready to rage quit.

Overall, I'd say that For Honor is one of the most thrilling games out there, with a unique blend of combat and strategy that keeps me coming back for more. If you're looking for a game that will test your skills and keep you on your toes, this is definitely one to check out.
Publicado a 1 de abril de 2023.
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25.0 hrs em registo (14.7 horas no momento da análise)
Alright, I am gonna write an actual review,

Bonelab is a game about physics obviously, working off and enhancing a lot of the Marrow engine, the same engine for Boneworks. Bonelab is a game where you switch through different avatars which have different stats to help achieve a goal, for example, a ledge too high to grab? Use Tall, need to bash skulls in? Use Strong.

Bonelab is a special kind of game that requires the player to think outside the box, although the levels try to avoid players exploring too far, the levels can get confusing at times, which is niche but oh well. I love these kinds of puzzle games, where you have to learn from failure. Not to mention the campaign uses this idea well. The game is definitely one of my favorites right now, not only with the modding, but the gameplay replayability is so good, I don't need to buy any other game like this!

Now, onto the slight downsides. The first level can be difficult to solve, it requires out-of-the-box thinking, putting 10000 and 10000 together, and some big brain stuff. The orbs and the crane level can lead a lot of new VR players to not try it again, this game being on Quest 2 does not help the fact. The guns for me feel different, the gun doesn't aim where I want to aim, sort of like a 15-degree difference. I don't know what causes this but it doesn't make the game less fun.

Now overall the game is an 8.999999997 out of 10 for me. The gameplay is something that keeps you coming back to try different tactics. The campaign is; albiet short, very fun to play, and the game is such a great game I would recommend this to anyone who like sandbox-like games. The game being on Quest is a big step up, with many VR users being on the Quest this allows the game to reach audiences that do not have a PC.

I love this game.
The sounds are great.
Publicado a 5 de outubro de 2022.
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1,567.1 hrs em registo (383.8 horas no momento da análise)
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i have never used any kinds of mods and the update doesnt affect me at all, nevertheless the update kinda ass for performance. The community still stands minus the ones who left. still fun to play tho
Publicado a 14 de agosto de 2022.
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54.8 hrs em registo (47.2 horas no momento da análise)
If you like gore and killing "dolls", this is top tier, very fun. Not to mention the functionality of the items in the game. really fun if you get into the right mood
Publicado a 10 de janeiro de 2022.
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72.0 hrs em registo (14.2 horas no momento da análise)
The campaign is simply put, BRILLIANT, in my few hours of playing. The gameplay is thrilling, it has some replayibility too!. The multiplayer is a bit iffy though, much could be improved on that. The graphics are really good, even on low settings. Overall the game is pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥ good.
Publicado a 20 de novembro de 2021. Última alteração: 8 de dezembro de 2021.
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349.2 hrs em registo (124.0 horas no momento da análise)
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game good, stabby stabby, choppy choppy, killing relentlessly is fun, 10/10
Publicado a 26 de outubro de 2021.
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459.5 hrs em registo (92.8 horas no momento da análise)
im in jail for 78 warcrimes and countless counts of manslaughter of this game 9/10
Publicado a 19 de março de 2021.
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115.1 hrs em registo (68.7 horas no momento da análise)
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Amazing game, the updates are good, the Zombies mode is fantastic, i spent over 50 hours in just zombies alone. The TTT and Jailbreak modes are good too, I'd highly suggest this game to people who like FPS games with a twist. 9/10 +1 due to funny glitches
Publicado a 16 de janeiro de 2021.
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