Macu   Mar Del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina
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The Company
Requiescant in pace frater
I fight for the truth
I fight for revenge
I fight for freedom
I fight for booty
" Our Creed Doesn't Commands us to be Free ,it Commands us to be Wise ... "
well you only need the light when it's burning low
only miss the sun when it starts to snow
only know you love her when you let her go
only know you have been high when youre feeling low
only hate the roro when you're missing home
only know you love her when you let her go
and you let her go

When I was a young man, I had liberty, but I did not see it. I had time, but I did not know it. And I had love, but I did not feel it. Many decades would pass before I understood the meaning of all three. And now, the twilight of my life, this understanding has passed into contentment.

Love, liberty, and time: once so disposable, are the fuels that drive me forward. And love, most especially, mio caro. For you, our children, our brothers and sisters. And for the vast and wonderful world that gave us life, and keeps us guessing. Endless affection, mia amore.
Forever yours,

the most damaged people are the wisest
The saddest people smile the brightest
The loneliest people are the kindest

When you seek for the truth .nothing is true
When the law cant protect you,Everything is permitted
Live among people without using your tongue,dont talk much
Help your self,use all the powers you have just for you
In the right time the world will know what are you

Where other men blindly follow the truth,

Remember... Nothing is true.

Where other men are limited, by morality or law,

Remember...everything is permitted.

We work in the dark, to serve the light.

We are Assassins...

Nothing is true, everything is permitted!

No Books....
No Wisdom....
Just you, Fratello Mio...
Requiescat in Pace, Altair..

I realize now that it will take time, that the road ahead is long and shrouded in darkness. It is a road that will not always take me where I wish to go – and I doubt I will live to see it end. But I will travel down it nonetheless.

you tell me to hold on
but innocence is gone
and what was right is wrong
I'll bleed out for you

not for honor
not for revenge
not for ideal
not for money
Only for peace

we are one (brotherhood)
As we share the glory of our victories
so too should we share
the pain of our defeats
In this way we grow closer
We grow stronger

Men must be free to do what they believe
a true leader empowers the people he rules
it is a better yo have faith in something than none at all

Some steps need
to be taken alone
it's the only way to really figure out
where you need to go and
who yo need to be

fight like a assassins
or die like a coward

I have dedicated my life to the study of the deadly arts
I can blend in with any
crowd,strike from any
direction,and eliminate
anyone with a single thrust
of my blade ,my name is macu
and my actions will be
remembered for
ages to come

Should anything happen to me
Claudia Should my skills fail me
Do not seek retribution or revenge in
my memory but fight to continue the
search for truth ,so that all may
My Story is one of many
thousands.. and the world will not
suffer if it too soon....

Sometimes standing against evil
is more important than defeating it
The greatest heroes stand
because it is right to do so,
not because the believe
they will walk away with their lives

Vital crimson, red burning, pain men.
Wounds of justice that bathe the earth, oceans flood and stained the sky.
Rain of blood down my face to remember your proceed.
Because that is my way, the crimson path. The way of the Assassins

There is no greater glory than fighting to find the truth

We do not travel to escape life, we travel so that life does not escape us
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Monster Hunter: World
EddieHimself 13 mai. 2020 às 10:41 
Rre trolito el nene, no acepten salir con el por que los pervierte