过去 2 周 0.0 小时 / 总时数 155.1 小时
发布于:2018 年 11 月 23 日 下午 4:51
更新于:2024 年 2 月 19 日 上午 7:32

We all know what Google Earth is, it has only become better throughout the years, as Google has added more features and people all over the world continue to upload their own 360 degrees pictures.

Heightened immersion is what make VR so special, it has to be experienced in order to be truly understood and this is my go-to app to show people who hasn't tried VR before for exactly this reason: it combines the curiosity of exploring with the immersion of being there.

It doesn’t matter if you are familiar with Google Earth or not. If you have a headset what are you waiting for?. Some of us can spend hours just exploring the world through this program we otherwise would never be able to for various reasons. Making this experience into VR is just breathtaking.
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