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Показані результати 55–63 із 63
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Good Side of Town
Автор(и) колекції m4gic
Meant for a "small town" build. This is the collection of buildings (including District Style of the same name) that embody the Chamber of Commerce's vision for the town... ...but there's another side of the tracks: See my Collection "Bad Side of Town" for
Bad Side of Town
Автор(и) колекції m4gic
Meant for a "small town" build. This is the collection of buildings (including District Style of the same name) that you won't find on the area's tourism brochure... ...but there's a better side of the tracks: See my Collection "Good Side of Town" for the
Military Base
Автор(и) колекції m4gic
This uses mostly US assets, but feel free to pick and choose and mix in your own props from other parts of the world. The growables in the District Style should still integrate just fine, and you can always add other ploppable buildings or draw the Distric
Автор(и) колекції m4gic
Not my models. I simply added props to Brooklyn buildings by Feinbild and a few other buildings on the workshop. Low density residential, commercial, industrial, office, with service and unique buildings and props. Not all props shown below are used in gro
Автор(и) колекції m4gic
Representing the island life of a certain jet-set. Golf courses and cocktails at sunset. Gated communities. Private soirées. You're not on the list. Get. Off. My. Lawn.
Old World
Автор(и) колекції m4gic
A collection of old city buildings from the Mid East, North Africa, Central Asia, Mediterranean, Colonial etc. with a few more modern buildings mixed-in. District Style: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2140848936
Late 19th Early 20th Century Medium_Sized City
Автор(и) колекції m4gic
So...the city never became the next Chicago or New York -- it's still got some grand old buildings like the University Campus and the State Capitol!
Автор(и) колекції m4gic
Colonial buildings of all types for your "old cities" circa 1500-1800ish with influence from Hispaniola, France, Italy, Baroque, and Mediterranean culture.
Modern Low and Mid Rise
Автор(и) колекції m4gic
Modern Buildings of all types (residential, commercial, industrial). Low density is mostly 1-3 stories and high density is up to 10+ stories, but no higher than 15 or so.
На сторінку: 9 18 30 
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