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正在显示第 37 - 45 项,共 52 项条目
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合集创建者 xiangfenglin1986
Strongholds Of The Samurai
合集创建者 sorinel1991
Historical accurate castle maps for campaign. Save game compatible. Fall of the Samurai compatible. Darthmod compatible. Radious Mod compatible. Expanded compatible. Compatible with any mod except other map mods(such as MOSS maps, Better maps etc.) Does no
Sorin's MoSS collection
合集创建者 Sorin
【想正常显示汉化文本请手动安装大友汉化2.1字库改良版】 share点weiyun.com/5ka4EZp 或 pan.baidu点com/s/1A2cXkov07WluxGQ1Sq7dVw 厌倦1560的频繁跳出了吗?厌倦征朝的粗制滥造了吗?厌倦原版MOS(即“148城”版本)xjbc了吗? 来玩新版MOS吧!原MOS作者Engineer Weierstrass 在2017.10.01(也就是我国国庆节)发布了新版策略大师,并授权我做中文汉化 原MOD地址 MoSS Mandatory New Clans
合集创建者 Sorin
本合集MOD不含武士之殇、武士崛起内容 推荐度按排列顺序依次降低,所有含文本描述的MOD都是中文 每个MOD皆为独立,皆可单独使用 或 全部共同使用(除下表中标注) NC1570、BO1560建议订阅前3个 注意:如果使用A MOD之后存档,再次进游戏读档的时候也要确保勾选了A MOD MOD名称 介绍 推荐指数 Sorin's Unit Pack(Optional) 兵种包,包括十二家族精锐兵种及其他自制兵种 ☆☆☆☆☆ 将领技能树(可选) 丰富的将领技能树 ☆☆☆☆☆ Sengoku Campaign
MoSS With Optionals
合集创建者 Engineer Weierstrass
Master Of Strategy Sengoku Welcome to MoSS mod! Let’s go to the important point. What does this mod do? Well basically change the whole Sengoku campaign. How? 1) Change the whole building system with more complex interrelationships and options. Also now to
10th Anniversary Tribute
合集创建者 天使
Morning Sun version 1.0
合集创建者 uanime5
I made a collection of all the parts of my Morning Sun mod so that people can easily subscribe to it. The Morning Sun mod attempts to recreate the Imjin War by adding Korea (40 regions and 1 faction) to Japan from my Morning Sun mod (176 provinces and 163
Dragon in Space: The Movie Series!
合集创建者 Kerry
This Collection is the Official Dragon In Space "edutainment" movie collection! This series of movies is done to educate and entertain the public as well as gather support, raise awareness of and funds for NASA and other space agencies, both public and cor
CS:GO已移除地图合集 / CS:GO Official Removed Maps Collection
合集创建者 Jerre Jiang
此合集收录了所有曾被官方加入地图池后移除的地图(包含历届大行动地图) ====== 常规模式 ====== 拆弹 ----- 现役地图池 ----- # Anubis 阿努比斯(被移除地图回归) Mirage 荒漠迷城 Inferno 炼狱小镇 Overpass 死亡游乐园(自英勇大行动加入保留至今) Nuke 核子危机(重制版本随野火大行动更新,并保留至今) Train 列车停放站(自先锋大行动回归保留至今) ----- 后备地图池 ----- # Tuscan 托斯卡纳(CS1.6时期地图回归) Can
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