Ke' du vil?:FFXIII2mirochu:

Expositor de artwork
Hi there ☆
Expositor de artículos
Juego favorito
Cynox 17 JUL 2016 a las 12:21 p. m. 
Bruh it cannot rain in space, thats just impossible xD
oo o ooo o 3 JUN 2016 a las 12:58 p. m. 
"professional case opener" :D: good one, but you actually really unboxed a ton
of insanely good textured knives thats crazy =D gimme some talent!, :smile:

grats again to ur win and nice evening!:asterisk:
axxo 5 MAR 2016 a las 3:36 p. m. 
added for trade
WIN 3 MAR 2016 a las 4:00 p. m. 
interested in a fire/ice karambit with adds for your bayo?
Kek 23 FEB 2016 a las 10:06 a. m. 
congratz:) #1 Float on exchange. You might buy yourself a jet or a football team or w/e
karas 3 ENE 2016 a las 4:41 a. m. 
Happy Birthday ! :D