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Recent reviews by Lorlorlorl

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19.8 hrs on record
Solid game for the price! It's definitely very "indie" in that it's not the MOST polished game ever, but I still had a chill time mining out the planets and playing the main story.

Was pleasantly surprised by the voice acting, and I like that it has a bit of a magic school bus vibe with some more mature tones in the background. If you're looking for a nice "turn off your brain and relax with a podcast" game this is 100% for you. It's impossible to die from what I can tell which makes it very relaxed compared to something like super motherlode.

My only issue is that some of the lookups for minerals are bugged and when you click on them the menu won't tell you any details. So it's hard to know where they come from if they're a rare drop. Not the biggest problem because you'll be mining stuff so fast by the endgame/can passively target specific elements, but it would be nice to see it patched in a future update. :)
Posted 25 March.
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17.0 hrs on record
Surprisingly disappointing game. I was looking forward to trying this one for quite some time, but I never really felt hooked in after the first few hours of playing around with the early upgrades and cult members. Ended up stopping before beating the game because I realized I wasn't having fun and was just trying to finish the game for completion purposes.

I think the problem is that there are too many games that do everything this game is trying to do, better. And sometimes for less money! The theme is charming enough, and I think it's cute that you get a dedicated button to make your lamb say "Baa!". For that reason this isn't a 0/10 for me, but I wouldn't tell any of my friends to pick it up unless it went down to $3 on sale.
Posted 19 March.
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6.2 hrs on record
Cute little game for what it is! The illustrations remind me of my old Batteon/Adventure Quest days and the actual gameplay was solidly balanced and relaxing. Good sounds, simple mechanics, nice vibes.
Posted 19 March.
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6.9 hrs on record (6.6 hrs at review time)
If you're like me and your favorite part of Fallout is searching houses for new items, this is the game for you. I love examining items to try to imagine who or what used to exist in the space I'm investigating. Much like Cole from L.A. Noire, you find yourself searching through random household items to uncover a mystery. Flipping through documents and looking at intimate objects in a game that emulates something that is frowned upon in real life, snooping. I think that the $20 price tag for this game is too steep for what it delivers, but I would recommend picking it up for $8 or less. This is from someone who really enjoyed the game, much more than any of my other friends who have played it.


One of my favorite parts of the game is the fact that it simulates perfectly what it feels like to be alone in a creepy old house. You hear creaking and expect to turn around and see a ghost of your creepy uncle. Instead, you realize that in the end, it was just your mind making you afraid for no reason. I laughed at myself in the end for being scared, exactly like I do in real life when I'm at home alone.
Posted 26 July, 2014.
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10.6 hrs on record (5.9 hrs at review time)
Although I haven't beaten the PC version yet, I've done a 100% playthrough on my xbox 360 and I've got to say that this is one of the best games I've ever played. Once I picked it up, I couldn't put it down. I found myself swearing at the screen just like I do for hotline miami or super hexagon. You'll figure something out and say "How did they expect me to know this?". But that's the beauty of the game. If you don't give up, it teaches you that the answers just required a little bit more thought and patience.
Posted 26 July, 2014.
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30.2 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
What an awesome game! I'm only working on my 2 star restaurant and I'm hooked for life. I used to love playing "Make lemon-aid" or "serve ice cream" games as a kid, but this is on another level completely! A perfect balance of difficulty and excitement, without making you want to quit out of frustration. The art style is amazing and the music is groovy! My only complaint about this game is that I'm never going to get anything done irl until I 100% everything in it!
Posted 24 July, 2014.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries