
Käyttäjän lolmanor viimeaikaiset arvostelut

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Näytetään 1–10 / 14
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hauska
yhteensä 113.3 tuntia
Writing this review after beating the two offical DLCs.
My honest thoughts:
1. Don't play Rogue your first time, especially if you're not familiar with D&D combat like I was. Paladin is way easier to play (I made a paladin for the DLCs).

2. The first campaign is the longest and, unfortunately, not the best. There's a few great gimmick quests (like the court case in Act 2), but overall its repetitive, simple, and kinda boring. The final boss sucked so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hard it's actually hard to put into words. I used cheat engine to keep my health at max the entire time after trying and failing to win 10 times (yes I'm a baby, fight me).

3. The first DLC immediately shows how much of a step-up it is from the base game. Deekin is the best side character of any RPG I've played in recent years, and anyone who ever clicked [Reprimand Deekin] (even if you saved beforehand and reverted the save) is a heartless monster and forever on my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

The second DLC is very well written. The only honest crime is that they changed Deekin's voice actor. They kept some of his lines, but it's just not the same... Doom song is forever changed... The writing is rather good, but my god there's so many unskippable cutscenes. The entire Seer defense in act 2 is filled with unskippable cutscenes, and if you save during certain parts of it, it can break the game when reloading said save. Do it in one go or suffer.

There's lots of interesting writing in the DLCs and they're well worth it. In fact, if it wasn't for the important lore and context the first campaign gives, I would recommend skipping it entirely and going right into the DLCs.

Also, I tried playing ADWR but I got softlocked at the tutorial for having 14 charisma. Great start, hard pass, GG dev.

As for some side complaints:
There's so much walking in this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game and if you don't have haste its always a snail's pace. I can see now why modern RPGs (like Divinity 2) have landmark teleporters.

It would be nice if there was an official guide on leveling with advice on prestige paths. I stayed true paladin for the entirety of the 2 DLCs, but many online guides don't recommend being true anything and often involve using prestige classes.

It's a shame that the game doesn't allow you to take more than one (or two, for the DLC) henchmen at once. This means that you'll never have a full stable party (if you're playing in singleplayer).

Oh yeah, you can play this game with friends but I don't know any nerds who would've wanted to play this with me. As always, better with friends.
Julkaistu 1. syyskuuta
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 261.4 tuntia (218.6 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
The progenitor and inspiration for many games, like CDDA and Minecraft, has been on steam for about a year. It's really really good. One of the best colony-sim managers out there, although much more hands off than similar games like Rimworld.

At a price of $30, I think it's well worth it.

If you're still on the fence about buying it, wait 'till Adventure Mode is out!
Julkaistu 21. marraskuuta 2023
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 108.8 tuntia
Easily one of the best survival games on steam. There are some frustrating mechanics, but overall everything can be learned and avoided. The devs have shown they're more than willing to keep updating the game with new and worthwhile features.

Best with a friend or two, and remember it's ok to embrace the frustration at the beginning. As you play more, you'll quickly master the jungle that surrounds you.

Capybara Pup/10, would recommend.
Julkaistu 17. marraskuuta 2023
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 17.3 tuntia
One of the better coop games on steam. A bit of a slow roll, but it's really fun to designate roles on the ship, especially as it grows more and more complex.

The snowmobiles are by far the best part
Julkaistu 24. marraskuuta 2022
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
6 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hauska
yhteensä 26.0 tuntia (25.6 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Dating sim with Samurai elements.
Seriously, this game plays more like a dating sim where it matters more that you're at the right place at the right time than being a good warrior.

Filled with tons of tiny little details, like relationships, weapon crafting, weapon-specific stats, hidden faction reputation systems, and more. Honestly could not recommend this game enough.
Julkaistu 29. kesäkuuta 2022
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 9.4 tuntia
It's bad. Really bad. Imagine an x-com clone that is somehow worse than XCOM: UFO (in all terms except visuals). It has all the negative quirks of XCOM (old and modern) games, but with none of the quality-of-life features.
You can't save (and therefore savescum).
If a single squadmate dies, you gotta restart.
You spend your XP points exclusively from the main menu...
So many weird decisions that make this one of the worst xcom clones out there.
Julkaistu 26. kesäkuuta 2022
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
2 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 3.2 tuntia
A fantastic hentai visual novel where Literally Hitler tries to convince his subordinate and the ghost of a dead Russian Lady to read his book. When they don't listen, he shoves his lugger sned into them. Also, this game has ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stealth levels. 10/10 would play again.
Julkaistu 9. maaliskuuta 2022
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hauska
yhteensä 16.4 tuntia
Pretty good erotic visual novel. Definitely worth a playthrough, even if it's just to enjoy some haha hardcore furry sex game.

Some miscellaneous notes:
The fact that Coby wearing pants surprised me says a lot about this game.

Also, was really hoping Riptide would interrupt every date. Would've been really funny.
Julkaistu 17. helmikuuta 2022
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 1.8 tuntia
Too short for its price. Not even worth it on sale.
Julkaistu 24. tammikuuta 2022
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 6.8 tuntia (6.7 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Please buy this game for Puro. Trust me. It's worth it.
Julkaistu 9. tammikuuta 2022
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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Näytetään 1–10 / 14