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11 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 17.1 saat
I love point and click adventure games! One of the biggest factors for me, when it comes to these types of games, is that the artwork must be amazing (I don't like pixel graphics) and this game has AMAZING artwork.

I never heard about this game until a month ago. I played this and loved every minute. The jokes (which pretty much hold up even today), the artwork, the story etc. are all fantastic. As apparently this is a series of games, I hope to see a "reforged" version of the second one! I'd get it for sure (Broken Sword 3 and 4, long story short, just pretend they don't exist as they are way different from what I read).

My plan is to play Broken Sword 1 (done :) ), then the second one when hopefully a reforged version comes, then the 5th one which was made in 2014 and has great artwork that hold up today (they went "3D" a bit with that one, and that's fine!).

Thus: 1,2,5 are my plan.

Also a new one, I believe it would be the 6th is in the making as well! I already put that one on my wishlist.

I recommend this game, it's good fun for old and new players alike!
Yayınlanma 30 Eylül.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 62.5 saat
A great RPG game where you are basically Sherlock Homes solving various cases and mysteries all while going on an adventure yourself....while kicking some butt along the way...... with powers. The setting is interesting, taking place in Poland back when Russia controlled a part of it. Later on in the story, you can customize the main character looks (i.e. hair, facial hair, and clothes). Great graphics, and interesting game play. A isometrically styled game to explore this semi-open world while also switching to a third person view during turn-based combat. I find that quite unique as I have personally never seen both viewpoints at the same time in a game. I love the conversations among-st characters and the action from combat that happens while you are on your adventure.

I really hope for a sequel, this was wonderful! :)

Wonderful game, great story, interesting choices to make that effect various outcomes.

I leave you with this thought, We all have demons inside of us.....but can we control them?

This game is a big yes from me. The Retail Price is justifiable for what you get. Worth the full price.
Yayınlanma 16 Nisan.
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4 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 15.0 saat
This game was lacking in various aspects.

The story itself was dull and boring. I was not invested in any of the characters whatsoever. Everyone seems to just "come and go". In other words, people would barely be introduced and they simply sort of just show up....and then leave at points. I never cared for any of them. Also, the story seems hard to follow in of itself (though it could be because I stopped caring because the writing of this is awful).

Except for the first area, everything looks like it's a Unreal Engine Asset. Now using assets in of itself is fine (there are games made with assets that look wonderful), but big budget games like this (millions upon millions of dollars in funding) usually know how to use those assets and blend them in a way to make them look unique, or at the very least, blend into the world to make the world look great with it's environment. Not in this game though. Most of the environments look like they put unreal engine assets together and that was it. Looking at another "magic" game, Hogwart Legacy (which I played and beat, amazing game by the way) had amazing looking environments. The atmosphere and the locations just worked perfectly off each other. But not in Immortals of Aveum, almost everything looks the same and kinda bland at times. The graphics maybe good looking but the environment should look just as stunning, yet it doesn't.

There are talking dialogue option in this game. They seem quite pointless. It doesn't effect anything and you don't gain any entertainment out of it either because what everyone talks about is boring. Not even interesting conversations.

The world is "semi open world" as I'd call it. But after playing about a few hours, I felt no desire to explore as nothing was interesting. I had no desire to explore a world that looks like a asset where almost every area looks the same.

The only good thing I can say about this game is the gameplay is fine. "Finger guns" with magic and the battles against enemies can get intense and engaging.

It's a shame as if the story was good, the environments where stunning, and the characters were interesting this would of been a good game. It seems this game lacked direction and they didn't know how to create what they wanted to create. It feels lackluster in all those elements I mentioned above (story, environment, characters)

So to summarize, boring story, don't care about the characters (as they don't make them engaging to talk to, be around etc. whatsoever) and almost everything in the world looks like an asset.

I do not recommend this game. It's a thumbs down from me. I only finished it to "see it through".
Yayınlanma 15 Şubat.
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kayıtlarda 9.1 saat
Wow, incredible game. A Noir/Mystery game taking place in the 1950's era. This game reminded me of "L.A Noir" and I wanted a game like that for a long time and finally got one! While being its own thing (compared to L.A. Noir), I enjoyed that you have dialogue options that effect the game, reading various clues to get the sense of what is happening, having romance options, an environment that looks great with the graphics (Unreal Engine 5), and the overall story of the game.
I enjoyed my time with it and can't wait to see what stories LowBirth Games creates next!
Yayınlanma 26 Kasım 2023.
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kayıtlarda 6.2 saat
A very fun game with interesting combat. I quite enjoy all the various ways to interact with the environment to take down your foes. The comedy in this game is wonderful as well. This game reminds me of the Shrek games back in the day which I really enjoyed. The artstyle/graphics in En Garde! is wonderful to look at. Objects in the distance seem hand-painted beautifully while objects near you are 3D and give off the themeing/looks very well. The story is fun, though, the focus is more on the combat (but still, the story is good).

The game makes me feel like a true Musketeer. Thus overall, great game and I can't wait to see what other games Fireplace Games will create (maybe a sequel to this I hope :) ).

Yayınlanma 26 Kasım 2023.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 164.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 88.1 saat)
An amazing game indeed! If I were to describe it in one sentence that sentence would be 'First Person Hitman Multiplayer in a Pixar movie with Austin Powers Shooter'.
Very unique game-play I have personally never seen before! You "blend in and hide among the crowds" and STRIKE when other people (You play as Secret Agents trying to obtain a Villan/Boss/VIP's item to extract in a briefcase while other rival agents are trying to do the same) least expect it. There is currently Solos and Trios in this game. You can play aggressive, passive, or anything in between. You can even avoid all other agents if your good enough!

Progression system for each Agent and Season Catalogs (i.e. Season Passes) and other Cosmetics to collect and unlock! Great game, worth every penny! :)
Yayınlanma 22 Temmuz 2023.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 5.4 saat
Sadly my experience was not enjoyable.
At first it was fine but two major issues arose for me (Mind you I was playing on normal difficulty).

1. I never know where I'm going. Without spoilers, story wise this makes sense, and that is fine, I'll explore but the next problem then connects to this.

2. Enemies endlessly spawn. I would of thought once I clear an area...that area would remain clear but it does not. This becomes frustrating when I have to backtrack (as you will be doing that alot in this game) to figure out what to do next. I only have so much (and they get limited) health packs (you have a health bar in this game), ammo, energy to deal with these enemies. I can't make progress and then I become stuck. And I don't feel like going back 20 minutes to find a spot where I wasn't struggling.

Thus, it's way to hard (on Normal difficulty!), becomes a pain as you have nothing left but melee to use and that's WEAK most of the time. Ammo being scarce.....ok fine.....but I can't find health often enough!
It's not for me.
I don't think it's a bad game, I quite enjoyed it at first, but it being so hard I gave up on it.
Yayınlanma 17 Haziran 2023.
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kayıtlarda 131.3 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 84.2 saat)
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
A true tactical game that we haven't seen in ages. Rainbow Six used to be that type of game with Vegas 1 and Vegas 2 (and earlier titles. Siege slowly but surly lost what it meant to be Rainbow Six.

Ready or Not brings that true "Rainbow Six" back. You do missions to arrest (or neutralize depending on the situation) suspects, robbers, terrorists etc. The guns are tune to be as realistic to the real life version (while still being a game) as much as possible. A few bullets usually kills you. Your helmet may stop a bullet or two before it is a headshot (as a helmet should usually do), depending on caliber though. Teamwork is key to clear rooms, get out alive, and save and arrest all people within the area.

You can customize your operator with various guns, some different vests, some different "stopping" plates for the vests (ceramic, steel, and Kevlar), different gadgets etc. I hope (and know they will) only add even more ways you can customize yourself with!

While this is not a horror game, it does get horrific at times and you will get scared. The way you are shot at and the screen shakes and your vision get's blurry only adds to the intensity. The sound design and overall game design is amazing for this game.

This game is only in early access but already becoming a great favorite of mine. Wonderful.
Yayınlanma 28 Eylül 2022. Son düzenlenme 28 Kasım 2022.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 1,583.0 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 1,123.8 saat)
A very fun battle royale where teamwork is key for victory.

The graphics are stunning and the game constantly brings in fun new events that switch up the game play or even new games modes!

I call this "Legends of the Hidden Apex". Very good game that's worth giving a try to see if it's "your style" or not.

Yayınlanma 28 Eylül 2022.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 534.5 saat
Time for me to write this review and "stamp" it once, and for all.

I played this game when it first came out, (I was even in the beta back in 2016). And at first it is interesting and fun, but after awhile you start to notice some things. And alot of those things havn't changed....in YEARS (and probably never will).

Survivors you're doing the same ONE objective for years now. Killer you're rarely actually a killer because you rarely actually get to kill. The original Pink Mori, one could just ignore the hooks and go for the kill. That made the game challenging, FUN, INTENSE. The survivors actually feared you. Then they changed that to what you have to hook them once now (if not twice now). You are mocked as a "killer" and they "ring around the rosie" your body when they open the gate to get those "bonus point". AT NO POINT should you feel safe until you fully escape. A killer should be FEARED, you should NEVER feel safe around one, but here as a "killer" your just a big joke.

The game is simplistic. Not to say a game that is simplistic can't be fun. For example, Fall Guys, for most of the time you are running in a straight line. But what keeps that game fun (if your into, I am :) ) is the various amounts of elements that can smack you, blow you off, stumble you. On top of having constant new courses, the courses that were already in the game keep getting different VARIATIONS to keep it fresh and exciting as well. And you know what's funny? Fall guys put a asymmetrical mode ( a whole new mode that comes in the game occasionally, to keep it special) that is a 4vs8 (thieves vs guardians). Basically, as thieves you have to try to steal the candy (you can turn invisible) and the guardians have to protect the candy and either run the time out or put you all in "jail". It's so fun!

Also if you think about it, every other multiplayer game STRIVES to innovate. But "Dead By Boredom from running around in a Circle" apparently never heard of the word innovate. While other games (as I mentioned for Fall Guys) puts new games modes in, limited time events to spice up the gameplay etc. What does Dead By Circles do? They reskin the generator and call it a "event".
Only reason this game stands is because of the popular licenses. But for me, that's not going to keep me engaged. With no innovation, it gets stale, dull, and boring. I don't care if I"m Freddy.....I'm still running around in a circle. Nemisis? I'm running around in a circle.

Not to mention, the survivors feel like they have "5,000" chances to escape. It gets annoying you can't really do anything as a so called "killer". Thus as a survivor, your bored out of your mind doing the same exact thing for 6 years of fixing a generator. As "killer", your angry/bored your not really killing anyone usually.

I stopped playing the game 3 years ago now and never turned back. I don't think Dead By Boredom will ever innovate. And if they will....after 40 years, I just don't care anymore. They are lazy indeed. They are MILKING it (and it's fine to milk games, but you need to have INNOVATION to back that up as well to keep game(s) fresh) with popular licenses. And that's all they'll ever do. They are only afloat because of those licenses. There are other asymmetrical coming out that are much more interesting. One of them WAS (sadly ended because of loss of funding due to the pandemic, short story of long story), it was called "Last Year: The Nightmare". You would be FEARED as Fiend. The "health bar" system mechanic was so good and you can just start punching people to death and if they fell...you can execute them on the spot!

If you are into the asymmetrical genre itself there are now other options (and coming soon): Evil Dead: The Game (it's amazing, you have fun on both sides, and the gameplay is engaging and interesting), Texas Chainsaw Massacre,VHS, Carnival Hunt, Killer Klowns from Outer Space the game, DragonBall: The Breakers, Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed etc.
Yayınlanma 28 Eylül 2022.
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