Pingus Bozer
Wotungus Johannesbourg Sullivan Elliot Mohammad P. Donkelfaust   South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
hi-fi rush goty all years tbh

I don't understand you, so your name is now Betty.
That, my friend, was poopoo. For real. This is Uganda. Poo poo everywhere.
s1e5 @ 17:49
s2e4 @ 30:37
s2e2 @ 8:00
s2e3 @ 37:22
s2e6 @ 5:06 and 42:47
s3e3 @ 13:47
s3e6 @ 9:00
s4e9 @ 48:00
s5e7 @ 0:08
s5e7 @ 18:10
s5e8 @ 7:50
s5e9 @ 2:20
s6e4 @ 17:13
s6e5 @ 4:00 and 5:30 and 29:41
s6e7 @ 12:54
I am not crazy... I am not crazy. I know he swapped those numbers, I knew it was 1216, 1 after Magna Carta, as if I could ever make such a mistake... never, NEVER. I just... I just couldn't prove it... He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him... You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard. Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No. He orchestrated it. Jimmy. He DEFECATED through a sunroof, and I saved him. And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm. What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll NEVER change. Ever since he was 9, always the same, couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer. But not our Jimmy, couldn't be precious Jimmy. Stealing them blind, and HE gets to be a lawyer, what a sick joke. I should've stopped him when I had the chance, and you, you have to stop him, you... I apologize, I lost my train of thought. I got carried away. Do you have anything else?
and he continues to believe that that it doesn't affect people to commit the horrendous acts of violence because he himself will not do the acts seen until his brain is warped by videodrome
Ha, you're sorry? You're sorry? You killed my brother, and you say you're sorry? Let me tell you something. The job offer, it didn't upset me, it amused me. Wooo, big job at the illustrious HHM. A chance to play at the palace. Ooh Little old me? You have no idea what's going on. You're a teensie tiny man in a teensie weensie little bubble. Ohhh don't you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ "Oh Jimmy" me. You look down on me? you pity me? walk away. That's right Howard. You know why I didn't take the job? Because it's too SMALL. I don't care about it. It's nothing to me. It's a bacterium. I travel in worlds you can't even imagine. You can't conceive of what im capable of. I'm so far beyond you. I'm like a god in human clothing. Lightning bolts shoot from my fingertips!
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400% Hi-Fi Rush
I play it because the way you can move you hero on the map and the freedom that you have is so good. you mabe think you can have the same in overwatch or other games any you are mabe right but you don
I play it because the way you can move you hero on the map and the freedom that you have is so good. you mabe think you can have the same in overwatch or other games any you are mabe right but you dont have the fluet combination of close and long ranged heros . for me it feels more like a fluid battle and less like a number based game were the person with 5 more attack wins. It is also not a instakill when someone starts there ult and you have a good chance in countering it. TL DR It has the perfect gameplay that i have been waiting for not to close to an instakill fps and not to much number crunching like in do i have engouth mana and hp
Alex 9 Mar @ 8:21pm 
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DogingDoge 25 Feb @ 7:02pm 
clicker heroes? more like dumb heroes!
Alex 18 Jan @ 1:26am 
DogingDoge 26 Dec, 2024 @ 7:42pm 
Based slinger
DriftingOne 26 Nov, 2024 @ 8:09pm 
Based slinger
Casserole 10 Nov, 2024 @ 11:03pm 
⡙⣟⡒⢹⢸⣿⡀⠀ ⣿⣿⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀ ⣿⣇⣿⣯⣥⡭⢍