Captain Munchkinman   Mexico
Scarlet beyond a Crimson Dream.
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Diana♡ 11 Jan, 2020 @ 10:18pm 
Diana♡ 11 Jan, 2020 @ 10:17pm 
omg bwo this is such cwinge the cwinge is weaw i cant bewieve how cwinge this is why did you think it was a good idea to post this cwinge you wook so stupid wight now howy cwinge this is cwinge i wish you knew how cwinge this was if you knew how cwinge this was you wouwdnt have posted this cwinge this is witewawwy the most cwinge thing i have evew seen and ive seen some cwinge wet me teww you about the cwinge i witewawwy cant bewieve how cwinge this is why wouwd anyone evew post something so cwinge cwinge is not good cwinge is cwinge how couwd you not teww this was cwinge i did some cwinge once but at weast i knew it was cwinge do you even know what cwinge is howy cwinge the cwinge i just cant bewieve you wouwd post something this cwinge we cwinge has awwived wage comics wewent this cwinge this is some sewious cwinge i hope you weawise how cwinge this is so you nevew post something this cwinge again this is going in my cwinge fowdew to cwinge at
Belle 15 May, 2016 @ 1:15am 