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Análises recentes de little0nee1.ttv🐧

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164.3 horas registradas (64.4 horas no momento da análise)
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Ok so i'm about 64 hours in and for an Early Access Game this is in great shape. I've come across a couple of minor bugs but these aren't disruptive to the overall game play, and depending on what you like to focus on when it comes to these kind of games (Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, Coral Island etc.) it's absolutely very playable right now.
As other reviews have shared, there is content missing from the game at the moment such as most of the special events are missing, and a large portion of the relationship events/dialogue which can be a little odd (feels like you're talking to yourself or there are spaces where you would otherwise have been given response options for heart events).
I don't personally feel that that detracts from the overall feel of the game though as from what they've already released it's really cute, the music is relaxing and there's plenty of content to keep playing through if you're happy being someone who isn't achieving everything on a set timeline.
If the mermaids aren't dateable though I will cry 100%.
Publicada em 1 de fevereiro de 2023.
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185.9 horas registradas (169.0 horas no momento da análise)
A game that you will come back to over and over again because there's nothing better than procrastinating your real life than by cleaning and creating aesthetic house art in a game. It is well worth the slog to unlock the various different abilities and have the freedom to create. I just wish that it had the ability to be multiplayer because that would take it to a 10/10.
Publicada em 31 de dezembro de 2022.
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