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Indsendt: 20. juli 2015 kl. 18:07
Opdateret: 25. nov. 2016 kl. 19:58

Long time since my last review, a lot changed, not to worse, not to better. Why should we keep playing? This game gives you creative ways to play, by being competitive or casually or MVM, even community is fun some time to time. They DO fix issues frequently, showing they care about the game yet after 10 years, although they have a small team who still worries about the game, gotta give credit for trying to satisfy everyone. Valve make mistakes like anyone, but recently they hear the crys of some part of community, like MYM (meet your match), a update focusing on the competitive side. Having 1900 hours doesn't give me rights to self-proclaim expert on TF2, this review is to shown no matter how bad (MYM) or good (Gun Mettle) the updates are, we still find ways to make fun to keep playing, just be creative.
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