Josh   New South Wales, Australia
Its ya boi, lil rolls

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Good Movie
Can you turn down the music.
Can you turn down the music!
I'm trying to get some sleep here!
Turn down the music?
How's that!
How's that. Is that much better?
Turn down your damn music, or I'll come over there and turn it down myself!
All right, sucker. You come down here, we can dance.
When I don't get enough sleep, I get irritable. And you don't want to make me -
'Calling VAGAN'
Wait! Who are you?
Just a bean trying to get some sleep.
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!
You came here just to make us turn off the music?
If you were listening on the phone,
I said I would come here to turn it off myself.
Are you insane?! Do you know what you just got yourself into?
Do you know who I am!
Do you know who my uncle is?!
I do.
Detective Cromwell. Good morning.
Something tells me there's nothing good about this morning.
What do we got here?
Multiple gunshots were reported coming from this warehouse.
I was the first one to answer the call.
Multiple gunshots, huh.
You do know whose warehouse this is.
Yes, sir.
Have you gone inside yet?
No, sir. I wanted to wait for backup.
It's here.
My God.
What a massacre.
There's got to be a dozen, at least a dozen dead beans here.
I guess I don't need this anymore.
These were all Cappuccino's beans.
It must have been some kind of gang war.
No. This is no gang war.
Cappuccino's beans might be dumb, but they know how to use a gun.
There would have been other dead beans here, not just them.
This something else.
One thing's for sure.
We won't need that search warrant we were trying to get, huh.
I could live with this.
Detective Cromwell. I found something here.
'This bullet casing is the property of Killer Bean'
Killer Bean
'The bullet is meant for someone else'
What do you make of this?
This guy's got balls. That's for sure.
We got company!
Let's go!
Stop right there!
This is the police! Hold it right there!
Bad idea.
Get out of the car! Get your hands where I can see them!
Easy... Easy...
Oh please, officer. Don't hurt me.
Watch it.
I should have known I'd find you here, Detective Cromwell.
What are you doing here, Vagan?
Well, obviously something happened in my warehouse.
I mean, can't a bean protect his own property anymore?
Don't you mean, Cappuccino's property?
You know, your obsession with Cappuccino has become quite amusing.
Always trying to link everything back to Cappuccino.
Why don't you tell it to the court. You're under arrest.
Arrest? For what?
A traffic violation?
What about this? Looking for some action here?
If I were looking for some action,
you wouldn't be standing before me as you do right now.
That's cause I'd be shooting you with this!
Are you kids done yet?
I say we take him in and book him right now.
You know my lawyers will have me out even before you get me to the police station.
The time is not worth your effort, now is it Cromwell.
Let him go.
I said let him go.
Uh, my gun please.
You know, Vagan, you're right.
You're not worth my time.
However, investigating the multiple homicides in your warehouse is.
And whatever else we find in your warehouse, is just icing on the cake.
You're free to go.
And by the way, your car's parked illegally.
You better get it out of here before we tow it.
Oh, and Vagan.
It looks like I'm not the only one after your boss.
...possible suspects. Rumors have surfaced saying that there is a vigilante bean in town...
What the hell is going on out there?!
Ah. Looks like I got someone's attention.
Who's this?
Playtime's over.
'Encrypted Call'
'Secure Connection'
This is Killer Bean.
Killer Bean. What the hell are you doing? You think this is a game?
What were you thinking last night?
I had a rough night last night.
We know what kind of night you had. Might I remind you what your mission is.
You were given specific orders to hunt down and eliminate the target. No one else!
Drawing this kind of attention to yourself is dangerous for us, and especially for you.
What's the big deal? I killed a bunch of gangsters.
I'm sure the Beantown police are a lot happier without them.
You didn't do anyone a favor with that mess you created last night.
And you are not working for the Beantown police.
You are working for us!
I'll still get the job done.
I'll get him.
We're running out of time. He has to know you're coming by now.
Remember who he is.
Yeah. I know what the mission is.
Then stick to it! Don't be so reckless, Killer Bean.
I'll call you when I got him!
Reckless! Pff!
Reckless my brown bean ass!
'Secure Connection'
Jet Bean, you have been activated for an urgent mission in Beantown.
Beantown? I'm a long way from Beantown.
It would be best to assign someone else.
This mission is highly sensitive.
You are the most capable for the job.
It figures.
I'll do it.
Good. We'll contact you with the details as soon as you reach the shore.
See you in Beantown.
They better have some good food in Beantown.
Are you leaving?
How long will you go for?
A long time.
I have something I want to give to you.
Oh... You shouldn't have.
Here! It's the bill!
You haven't paid in three months!
I'm leaving now.
I will pay when I get back.
Hey! You get back here pay now!
Get out here!
He say your food tastes like ass crack.
Make bean curd out of him!
I said I'll pay when I get back!
Oh. It's okay.
It's on the house. You don't have to come back! Please!
Looking at the figures from our previous fiscal year.
Narcotic sales have dropped 57 percent.
57 percent!
That's more than half!
Now, compare this to the 300 percent growth
from our weapons department.
But you guys...
You guys are not from my weapons department, are you.
You guys are from my narcotics department, okay?!
So what do I have to do, huh?
How can I get through to you guys?!
Dude. I have such a hangover.
Yeah bean, that was a kick-ass party last night, right?
Yeah. Too bad we didn't stay for the whole thing.
I bet they had some fun.
Woot! Woot!
You see, it's easy when you think about it.
Crime is on the rise, okay. So more guns sell,
because criminals use guns.
They also use drugs!
So more drugs should sell, right?
What's the problem here?
Now, you guys.
Someone give me a reasonable explanation, okay?
Why are narcotic sales performing so poorly?
It's all those anti-drug commercials on TV.
You never see any anti-gun commercials.
It's not fair.
It has become quite apparent to me,
that some of you do not value your job.
That is quite odd, if you ask me.
Especially in today's economy.
But I am forced to say...
It is time...
To lay off!
A few beans!!
Uh, wait.
I have a question.
Will I be eligible for unemployment?
Let me check with the finance department on that, okay?
My social security number is...
3, 4, 6...
Oh boy.
Is my batting average going to go up after this.
Hang on, let me just finish this level.
Ah. Vagan.
I'm glad you're here.
Maybe you can teach these beans something about business,
since you've handled my weapons department so well.
That bean is nothing but a kiss-ass brown-noser.
What does he know that we don't know?
But he's making millions of dollars selling weapons.
If you ask me,
He's doing something illegal.
Oh, it's great to see you, Vagan.
But you'll have to excuse me.
I'm in an important meeting right now.
This is more important. It's about the warehouse on Baker Street.
Oh that. It's okay. I know.
You know?
Yeah. My nephew was having a party of there last night, okay?
No, it's not about the party.
It is.
There was a hit on the warehouse.
Everyone is dead.
Who did this.
I have reason to believe that it was done by a bean named, Killer Be
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