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Közzétéve: 2023. júl. 5., 4:05
Frissítve: 2023. júl. 5., 4:17

"I have been the unwitting beneficiary of this kind of generosity of the universe.”
" (A few months later) And a huge variety of ideas became apparent that I hadn't seenbefore.
The ideas had **always been there**, but **before I hadn't been able to see them and now I could see them.”
(几个月后)谜题设计的好点子如潺潺泉水般涌现出来, 这些好点子一直都在那, 在我眼前我却视而不见, 而现在 我看得真真切切
'And there wasn't much of a difference between the two times except for my approach.”
发生变化的不是谜题设计 而是我自己
"It was very clearly the case that more ideas came out of the development process,and ended up in the final game, than I put into it as a designer.”
我的游戏设计经历是一次绝佳的实例, 最后游戏中的那些谜题设计, 是开发过程中自己并发出来的, 而非我作为游戏设计师提前构思好放进去的
"The process of designing the gameplay for this game was more -like discovering thingsthat alread exist,than it was like creating something new and arbitrary.”
设计谜题关卡的过程, 更像是”文章本天成,妙手偶得之”, 而不是我主观创造预先想好
"And another way to say that is that there was an extent to which this game designed itself.”
换言之 , 这款游戏在自己设计自己


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