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13.8 timer registreret i alt
A Halloween Epic

Because of this game, I now have a soft spot for Double Fine and will be keeping an eye out for future projects. It's a turn-based RPG that kids will enjoy but adults will understand some of the more subtle humor. I couldn't help but be reminded of The Nightmare Before Christmas—you even get to battle as a Jack Skellington-like pumpkin—but less manic. If you're looking for difficult, intricate gameplay, this isn't your game. It's got a lot of charm, funny dialogue, feel good narrative, and a cute art style. What other game would let you duke it out as a vampire, unicorn, and a pirate all at once (my favorite in-game trio)? Definitely recommended for anyone who wants to relax with a nice story about sibling bonding and friendship.

Skrevet: 23. september 2013. Sidst redigeret: 25. marts 2017.
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9.7 timer registreret i alt
Amazing Gameplay, Suffering Story

Gorgeous, hand-rendered art utilizing creative, luscious settings and vibrant colors to set the mood. Fun and unique gameplay coupled with a beautiful and memorable soundtrack. There is a lot to love about this visually arresting game. As fantastic as Bastion is, there were a few things I had problems with in terms of storytelling.

They touched on some sensitive subjects that could have worked well with the story but fell a little short. Basic gist (spoilers abound): Group #1 is part of a community that historically committed atrocities upon a rival community, Group #2. Group #1's resolution to make peace with Group #2 and right wrongs was to...kill a bunch of people from Group #2 and cause more destruction to their home. The narrative was written in a way that everything that happened to Group #2 was self-inflicted, despite it being the player character's fault. That part could have been removed and the story wouldn't have suffered.

The mechanics, art direction, and soundtrack is what makes this game great. The story itself is told over and over again in movies and shows time and time again; a group seeks power by destroying and the oppressed is (rightfully) angry and seeks to avenge their own. No justice is served for the oppressed group and, by the end, it really feels like the game was saying "it was their own undoing" which is morally wrong. It had a lot of potential to tell a deeper story, possibly one of redemption, but they dropped the ball on that.

Skrevet: 21. juli 2013. Sidst redigeret: 25. marts 2017.
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17.8 timer registreret i alt (15.9 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Fun With Friends

Ridiculously fun with friends but boring and sometimes frustrating to play alone. The zombies actually scare the crap out of me sometimes but it's all good fun. Dead Island is a zombie RPG with a neat leveling system, weapon mods, and skill trees so it puts a new spin on the genre. The story isn't nearly as memorable as their trailers. If you've got friends to play this with and you love zombie games, I recommend adding this to your collection.

Skrevet: 3. april 2013. Sidst redigeret: 21. april 2017.
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8.0 timer registreret i alt
An Honest Illustration of War & the Scars It Leaves

The demo does this game no justice. Do -not- play it.

"Being in the modern military is probably one of the hardest, most trying things a person can do and it's so great to see a game make more of that than a simple power fantasy." - Extra Credits

If you're looking for a mindless, nationalistic military shooter, you're not going to find it here. No other shooters have explored the weight that comes with pulling the trigger in war more than this game has. Although the mechanics are a part of the storytelling, the gameplay isn't as advanced as the current flurry of Call of Dutys, Battlefields, or Medal of Honors but the trade off is worth it. Those games don't even bother trying to touch on half of the things Spec Ops addressed; they actively avoid PTSD to opt for comic book heroics and focus on glorifying and romanticizing war. It's honest, visceral, and engaging in all its literal and metaphorical symbolism.

If you decide to pick this up, and I strongly suggest that you do, experience it for the single-player story. The multiplayer was just an added bonus but don't judge the entire game by it if you decide to try that out first. It'll be one of the most eye-opening gaming experiences you'll ever have. The game trusts you to make your own decisions. Spec Ops: The Line is worth it full price if you think you'd enjoy a military shooter that gives more thought into its story and character development rather than mechanics. Yager really took a risk with this game and it's an experience I will always remember.

Skrevet: 15. marts 2013. Sidst redigeret: 25. marts 2017.
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66.3 timer registreret i alt (64.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
An Underrated Action RPG

Runic made huge improvements on the first installation of the series; it's a formidable ARPG in its own right. I got this around the same time as I bought Diablo 3 and ended up playing this way more. I always recommend playing online multiplayer games with friends but even playing with friends on D3 wasn't nearly as much fun. D3 gives off a gothic, eerie tone whereas Torchlight 2 has a lot more charm, the characters are memorable, and the game overall is much more simplistic. In this case, less is more. I also enjoyed doing the quests alone but it was still more engaging to play with friends.

It has a Borderlands 2-like mechanic where you can play it again on an even more challenging difficulty with better loot. The story isn't very memorable but the soundtrack is good, the mechanics are fun, and there's plenty of whimsical moments. It's also got the best character customization I've seen in an ARPG with no terrible, stereotypical, and racist tropes like the Chinese wizard dragon lady *cough*Diablo 3*cough*! All the more reason to love this game. I strongly recommend playing this with friends.

Be mindful of your skill allocation, especially if you're too lazy to get any mods. I had to start over because I messed up the first time.

Skrevet: 14. februar 2013. Sidst redigeret: 21. april 2017.
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36.2 timer registreret i alt (36.1 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
The Walking Feels

Drop the show and comic book if you're watching or reading it. Right now. There are some elements taken from the graphic novel but it wouldn't be called "The Walking Dead" if they didn't keep true to some of the things going on in the original.

TWD gives the phrase "between a rock and a hard place" a meaning and Telltale does an expert job at interactive storytelling. You are constantly getting thrown into difficult situations where the direction of the story and the relationships you maintain are dependent on the decisions you make. Many games have tried this style of narrative but they fall flat on more than one aspect or another (ex: Heavy Rain). Because I feel this game is flawless and because I know Telltale is listening to their audience's critiques, I have high hopes for future installments and anticipate on another emotionally harrowing game.

There are very few games that are able to fully immerse their audience into their stories and characters. Some people complain about the lack of button mashing and zombie smashing; I would point those people to Left 4 Dead 2 or actual zombie shooters for that kind of action. Like movies, shows, and books, games don't always have to be fun to be games—and this game is not fun by any means. Entertaining, yes. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will be engaged but you will not have fun. It's a drama; which shouldn't be a problem for anyone seeing as how the last adjective used for the show and the comic book would be "fun."

Another complaint that gets coupled with the lack of button mashing that I'd like to rebut is that the player isn't playing and instead, they're watching a film. Yes, you are more or less watching the story but TWD is an interactive game that Telltale does masterfully. Had you simply watched it as a film and played no role in the decision-making, do you think you'd feel the same way about the story and the characters? No. I didn't care about the protagonist (or most of the characters) in the show and book, especially after they killed off too many of my favorite characters. Telltale made me sympathetic toward everyone; even characters I only knew for a few seconds and characters whose names I'd never know. The game requires action rather than just observation. This marriage between you and the mechanics is what makes the struggle for survival more rewarding than most games, let alone any zombie media.

You will think back on your choices that can open up for a lot of different types of discussion with others—something not a lot of games can manage to do. Some people may even do a little bit of personal reflection. All I know is that your body is not ready. The human experience developed between a group and the lengths they go to in order to defend a child from the horrors of an apocalypse will be worth it.

Skrevet: 22. januar 2013. Sidst redigeret: 25. marts 2017.
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6.0 timer registreret i alt
Mr. Clean's Got Nothing On This Team

Sweep dust up and make it look awesome while doing so. It's a great concept, beautiful and simplistic art, and has bopping tracks you can't resist dancing to. I loved the soundtrack so much, I went out and bought the bundle. It's also one of the better indie-platformers I've played; makes someone like me, who is garbage at platformer, feel good about succeeding.

Just don't risk shift+tabbing out while you're in the middle of a level. I'd do that to reply to someone and sometimes the game would make me redo the entire level from the beginning. That's about the only criticism I have with it. Otherwise, sound, gameplay, and aesthetics are very pleasant. The soundtrack is available from the composer on YouTube here. Even if you don't pick up this game, at least give these beautiful tracks a listen. My favorites are Cider Time, 9-bit Expedition, and Your Favorite Color.

Skrevet: 3. januar 2013. Sidst redigeret: 25. marts 2017.
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3.1 timer registreret i alt
Minecraft Meets Tetris

This is a cute and entertaining indie mash-up of Minecraft and Tetris. You play an adorable little Tetrobot whose goal is to collect blocks and escape to the next area. It's a puzzle platformer with a ton of charm. I strongly recommend playing with a controller to make things easier.

Skrevet: 29. december 2012. Sidst redigeret: 25. marts 2017.
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34.1 timer registreret i alt (31.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
The Whacky, Action, Gangster Game You Never Asked For

My first playthrough of this game was 6 hours long. That already says a lot about how I feel about it. SR3 is witty, allows great customization, has many geeky references, doesn't perpetuate as many stereotypes and tropes as its other gang-related competitor, and no gender binary (though some narrative leaves much to be desired). The campaign has many strengths if you play it in singleplayer but co-op makes the game significantly more entertaining. There's a gratuitous amount of sexual themes and objects, cartoonish violence, humor, nerd culture references like Tron and zombies, and an epic ending.

Skrevet: 9. december 2012. Sidst redigeret: 25. marts 2017.
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1.3 timer registreret i alt
At Least It's Better Than "My Immortal"

"The other two girl halls are the Butterflies, who are probably girly-girls, and the Snakes. I'm not sure who would want to be a snake. I'd much rather be a horse." The creator is an obvious fan of Harry Potter and perhaps even Twilight as it takes many elements from the two Young Adult genre giants. This demo goes even more in-depth than I ever thought possible. I appreciate that it's Harry Potter fanfiction but, since I'm not a fan of Twilight and hate outdated tropes like the "catty woman/mean girls" narrative, I can't recommend this game. I would rather watch paint dry than subject myself to this again.

Skrevet: 3. november 2012. Sidst redigeret: 25. marts 2017.
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