How much I would give to forget you
All those times that are on the 'no' because I want
not to think about it anymore, blow away all the memories
like overdue dust,
so now just wanna forgetin'
situation in which my heart breakin'
I won't tear up, though I want it so much
I hope that you also know that

Again, I can see you in front of my eyes
Again, I can't sleep dreams possessed
I spend all on thought that you used to be close
When I was feeling you next to me I felt that I had everything
That is what I have left, just you and hundreds of memories
how much I would give for it to be able to forget about it
Now we are gone and I do not want to be where you are
again you will stand in front of me as you do it in my dreams
I'll be watching as you walk away, even though I would like to turn back
I'll be thinking how much I would give to someone who would turn the time back
who would have stopped the clock only for this one moment
at the moment in which I met you
I'd have gone in the other way.

How much I would give to forget you
All those times that are on the 'no' because I want
not to think about it anymore, blow away all the memories
like overdue dust,
so now just wanna forgetin'
situation in which my heart breakin'
I won't tear up, though I want it so much
I hope that you also know that

It was a dream in reality, when dreams were becoming true
All those real moments that went so fast
Only we, locked in four walls, but free
You were important being next to me, and I was calm
Do You still remember? those days? Those months?
Do you?Do You want to forget about it? I cannot, I know I'm wrong
stories once told: you, me and the silver tray
Once it wasn't scaring me, I don't want to recall that
Aura of corruption in the air, you lose fifty percent
I want to forget about you, erase the memories of those nights
To make moments called "golden" gone
Those moments are pinchbeck, because I knew what happened afterwards

How much I would give to forget you
All those times that are on the 'no' because I want
not to think about it anymore, blow away all the memories
like overdue dust,
so now just wanna forgetin'
situation in which my heart breakin'
I won't tear up, though I want it so much
I hope that you also know that

My thoughts are piled up around a single moment
Once this short thought was able to while away
Now, though, standing beside still looking around
As early as in the past has not recall, I think, where we are journeying
Other goals in life other plans and desires
All I have to change the following as time changes everything
What was done, is not coming back but sometimes I have a hope
Why should I remember it, someone would say "old stories"
I know it
I cannot forget how good it was
I know it
It all ended with my own funeral
I know it
And I'm imploring God, to make sure, that he won't let
anyone came into my heart...

How much I would give to forget you
All times those that are on the 'no' because I want
Do not think about it yet, blow away all the memories
like overdue dust,
so now just wanna forgetin'
situation in which my heart breakin'
I won't tear up, though I want so much
I hope that you also know that

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123 24 Dec, 2018 @ 6:34pm 
Merry christmas! :rd_love:
Kindaire 3 Jun, 2018 @ 3:55am 
yo dude what happened
Toxic Asset 3 Jun, 2018 @ 3:37am 
How many keys did you add? 15 and I'll do it
abu 12 Apr, 2018 @ 4:27am 
Hi sent offer for unusual! If smth wrong, add me!
WALMARTIAN 22 Mar, 2018 @ 12:01am 
added to offer
xerz 25 Feb, 2018 @ 1:39pm 
thanks man ^^