
libadwaita (she/her) の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:2.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:0.7時間)
How to make a game:

Pump out 3 games in the same month and call the third one (probably going to be replaced soon) your "latest one"

Give Un-detailed hardware requirements so people with highly overclocked i486's and and a gimped chispet that allows for up to 786MB of ram works

Wow, now what a game this is
投稿日 2016年1月8日.
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総プレイ時間:2,418.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:2,062.7時間)
Hello, If you’ve read my serious reviews in the past, you know that I have a general format with it, but now I am updating it and will be updating my other serious reviews to use the new format. This new format will have different categories weighed differently depending on what type of game it is

Gameplay: 5/10*5 25pts/50pts
CSNS is very much a love it or you’ll hate it kinda game. There are some pretty interesting modes with their one lore for each of them. For most of the Zombie Modes, you have a point, shoot, kill the zombie kind of thing, for some of them it is largely escaping from the zombie, and there’s even one where you have to defend a base against a horde of them.

Story: 5/10*2 – 10pts/20pts
The story is kinda hard to make out, but involves the research of Dr. Rex going wrong. Not really going to say much more since I don’t want to spoil it

Graphics: 3/10*1 3pts/10pts
Looks like a game from the 90s, but with a console command you can slightly increase texture quality. It is hardly surprising, though since most of the textures of are taken from CS 1.6 and CS:CZ

Mechanics and Controls: 7.5/10*4 30/40pts
The game ads a huge variety of new weapons on top of the regular ones found in Counter-Strike, including ones that do not fit into any category

Value: 2/10*3 6/30pts
The game was always p2w, however depending on the timeframe that you look at, by how much so differs. From the games release to Late 2015, It was relatively mild, and with a moderate amount of grinding you could find yourself doing pretty good. From Late 2015 to Early 2017, the pay-to-win part of the game revealed it’s self in more detail. In early 2017, the first version of the decoder system we know as it is right now was dropped and for a brief period of time, it reverted to it’s first Release – Late 2015 status, however, would be followed up by the most pay to win era of it’s history. During the majority of 2017, CSNS would be extremely pay to win. Sometime in 2018, Nexon started offering better weapons to new players and would consistently do that, and such it is less p2w today. While that seems fine, the amount of money some people have burned on this game, leave for a couple of years, only for a new player to have better weapons can seem infuriating.

Overall: 4.9/10 74/150pts
This was a game I played for so long, that I feel like I’ve seen everything. Yet I’ve also been inactive on it for so long that I’ve seen nothing. Nexon is a p2w, money hungry company, and this game is the embodiment of f2p p2w games. Many people have sunk thousands of hours, spent tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars on this game and has a habit for pissing off long time players (for example, removing the zombie evolution system, which I spent countless hours farming) so please, Don’t get this game. If you do, make it a casual game you play every once and a while. Your bank account, and your sanity will thank you.

[Updated from last review made in January 2018 with ~2,062H at review time]
投稿日 2016年1月2日. 最終更新日 2020年8月22日
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