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1,490.5 uur in totaal (1,489.9 uur op moment van beoordeling)
pretty ok game.
Geplaatst 7 augustus 2022.
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5.4 uur in totaal (1.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
My cats watching me play and growls when i meow in game.

-think my cats are jelous.
-Would do replay.

10/10 Paws
Geplaatst 30 juli 2022.
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95.0 uur in totaal (30.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
this game is worth 20 bucks and beat alot of triple A games.
best game on steam
Geplaatst 16 april 2022.
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121.2 uur in totaal (5.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Best MMO game ever i played and i have played them all.
Classes feels balanced and fun to play, some does more dps then others but that is to exspect.
I hope it will be released Earlier then December 2021 it is so far away.
I am max level with 2 classes and i have not encounter any form of bugs so the game is very polished for techical alpha.
Only i have seen is that some NPC is running back to starting area or get stuck but that might have impact on the huge playerbase.

There is so much you can do, main story, missions, pvp, pve, raids, world bosses. You will never run out of content or get bored on game. Only that can destroy game is P2W. but if they put xp boosts in shop does not matter me so much.
Geplaatst 14 juni 2021.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
49.2 uur in totaal (47.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Dont buy the game in this stake.

- Combat is laggy and skills is delyaed or never hits.
- Some skills cant even hurt bosses no matter what passives u go for.
- lots of bugs.. charater get stuck from no where and u cant get out and u die (boss fights)
- huge fps drops even om topnotch hardware. can from drop 240 fps to 30 fps in a fight.
- u do never know if a skill hits or miss, no info about it.
- u dont know when u got debuff on you.. instead your hp is drained and u die.
- You have no clear info about buffs duration or what buffs u have activated.
- You have no info on enemys or bosses if u have placed a dot on them or what debuff they got.
- Unbalanced classes [one point is wrong passive and u never will make the bosses]
- it cost to much to respec if want to instead u need farm gold and skilltoken to trade for affinity points.
- droprates make no sense. you can get unique from white normal mob but bosses drop.. only blue and white.
- Itemlevel on gear make no sense, level 4 item that cant use before level 15?
- bugs bugs and more bugs...

I could write a book of everything that is wrong with the game.
It had high potential to be great game even better then POE and D3.

Only positive with the game today is the GFX.. they are very sharplooking even the skills and skins omg.
Music and voice acting is probaly the best with the game.

it should never get out of early access yet to unpolished and unbalanced. they think 30 testers or 100 can found all bugs compaared to 100.000 ? hopefully they focus on balancing the game and fixing game or this game will die fast.
Geplaatst 18 februari 2020.
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5 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
1.2 uur in totaal
Game runs very poor even with high-end computer like mine so i cant recommend this MMO at all.

It is like a mix of tera, wow and lost ark but worse.
Some sounds/voices is pure copyed from those games

Buy it and test it if u like it.. but i warned you. It runs like ♥♥♥♥ even on low grapfics u got stuttering spikes.
FPS is 100+ but a game that runs so poor should not be even relesed.
Geplaatst 2 februari 2020.
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7 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
3 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
1.6 uur in totaal
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
Wonder if i am the only one who has refunded game.

I love Pokemon games but this does not feel pokeman at all.
The game is to grindy, u need fight every npc to next area and u get bored after fighted 10 npc and if u die u go back to your last
"save" area and need fight all npc again and again.

It has nothing to do with MMORPG as it was announced.

Game is like pokemon copy with online players. there is no online co-op either. You can fight others temtems but thats it.
was so looking forward to this but in current state it was not worth own it at least not yet, mayby when there comes more content.

Also not to mentioon some game breaking bugs that should not be in a EA game.
It might be good when when it comes more updates but for now it is NEGETIVE GAME.
Geplaatst 24 januari 2020.
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9 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
6 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
5,405.4 uur in totaal (2,165.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
After free-to-play counter-strike should call cheater-strike. there is 500% more cheaters then ever. im High ranked but people with new accounts have wh aimlock aimbot u name it.

I got 5 MS and 500 fps and can see how bad people are chaeting even they trying hide it.
Geplaatst 8 december 2018.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
40.5 uur in totaal (18.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
cutest MMO ever i have played. u can do soooo much. and Mini Games is super fun :)
Im addicted after 10 hours.
It is not WOW, FFXIV hard either. Its more like casual.
Not level 50 yet so not sure about end game but hear its very good and challenging.

So take your friends and play MS 2 together.


Pretty grindy but hey its fun.
some performaces issuis (RTX 2080 ti + 2700x)
Geplaatst 7 oktober 2018.
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