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Viser 1-10 af 15 forekomster
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I needed to click on most cats several times for it to register (median 3-5x), there was one that I clicked on 20 times, went back to the menu, into the scene again and clicked on it 5 more times to get it. This takes away the entire flow of the game.
I'm getting the impression that you probably switched to the new Input System, since OnMouseOver shouldn't produce these issues.

A solution that works for me is adding a PhysicsRaycaster to the MainCamera, using an Event System and inheriting from IPointerDownHandler, then using the Unity function OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData). Note that this approach also requires the cats to have colliders.
Eg. would look like this:

public class CatOnClick : MonoBehaviour, IPointerDownHandler
private bool catPop;

public void OnPointerDown(PointerEventData eventData)
if (!catPop)
catPop = true;
Then you can add your functionality for what you want to happen if catPop is true. There's also a PointerExitHandler and a PointerEnterHandler, if you need those as well, this tutorial seems quite helpful (not mine): https://youtu.be/Y8A5z0FmmS8

Also be sure to use FixedUpdate whenever you interact with physics instead of Update.

Aside from all that, I'm sorry if I'm insulting a genuine Artist right now, but the art is a significant step down and feels like the programmer did the art. Not that programmers aren't great, but I would assume this business has earned you enough money that you can pay an actual artist for the drawings.

It's quite sadge to me cs of the games you've made before, that were significantly better than a lot of the competition, and I was genuinely excited for this one.
Skrevet: 16. juni. Sidst redigeret: 16. juni.
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2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
8.2 timer registreret i alt
Quick intro to my perspective going into this:

I'm a Game Development Student currently working on cozy games myself, primarily as a Programmer. I also absolutely loved Stray and 100%ed it immediately, and I absolutely love cozy games like Frog Detective. This game was a no-brainer.
I'm going to start out with my view on this as a gamer, which primarily covers the positive points, and finish with my view as a developer, some of which are nitpicking critiques.
Every game I namedrop as a reference point also acts as a recommendation for what you might like if you vibed with this.
The categories for this rating are vibe and feeling, gameplay idea and execution, visual design, coding, as well as pricing.
Also, I'll be referring to Little Kitty Big City as LKBC from now on. ^^

Now, getting to the Main Body of this:

So, I know that the Stray comparison's a fairly low bar and that the game's spirits are really different, but the entirety of LKBC actually feels really similar to the Slums in Stray to me, which is a great thing, because the Slums area was were Stray peaked for me. An open area you start out exploring on ground level, and as time goes on, you get to explore more and more of its verticality. Tons of sidequests that urge you to complete collectathons. However, it will for ever suffer from the comparison, because this game does run miles around some others, but that does not keep Stray from flying heaps around it. The gameplay idea and execution are an 8.5/10 to me.

But the vibe of LKBC is a lot more on a level with Frog Detective, with a bit of A Short Hike / Lil Gator Game sprinkled in. It is absolutely fantastic to turn off and get sucked in for several hours, and 100%ing it feels incredibly achievable and worthwhile. For the vibe and feeling of the game, I would give it a genuine 10/10.

From a game development perspective, art wise, the game looks amazing, and I commend the lighting, but some visuals somewhat clash as you have the flat shaded low-poly NPCs in comparison to the smooth-shaded far higher poly kittens. But this is to be expected if there were multiple artists who were each given a high degree of creative freedom, and it is mostly not to a distracting degree. The game is very pretty, some fine adjustments were made to the post-processing, and it looks exactly like I would've expected it to, so it is an 8/10 for me in that regard.

Now Programming / TechArt wise, man do I have respect for the fact that there were two programmers working on this game, but I managed to get stuck in an animation 3-4 times and softlocked myself until I quit to the Main Menu and rebooted it. Particularly if somebody sneezed at me and it catapulted me into a cone. While on the matter of those cones, why is every single collider in the game a box collider? I understand the potential performance benefit, but a pyramid shaped collider would not have killed this game. Additionally, some aspects like the animation for pulling objects do not even connect to the object and the cat is pulling on air instead. It's still amazing what two developers were able to achieve, but I'm giving it a 7.5/10 for this, but not because the programmers would be bad, rather because you should get another one somewhere. I've met enough that would be willing to perform free labor for a cup of coffee and a spot in the credits of such an amazing game.

That being said, the price point is quite hefty though. It is priced almost the same as Stray, but its polish is worlds beneath it. Which is no wonder, the team is immensely smaller, but that especially doesn't mean it should cost this much. The pricing feels like a 4.5/10 to me.

Which brings me to the finale:

This just consists of adding all the points from these made-up categories together and dividing them by the amount of categories. That brings us to an average of 7.7 out of 10.
That sounds lower than I expected, I absolutely loved my time with this game. So based on nothing but my feelings towards this game, let's call it an 8 with further potential to go upwards,considering the majority that is holding it back are some minor technical issues and the unfair pricing.

I really hope there's going to be some kind of sequel or DLC.

Oh yeah, one last genuine question, why is it that every time I jump or fall, my cat sounds like a Zombie Piglin?
Skrevet: 3. juni. Sidst redigeret: 4. juni.
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6.3 timer registreret i alt
Initially, before playing it, I thought this was just going to be a Short Hike rip-off.
Boi, was I wrong. A Short Hike walked so this game could run.

Apso, for anyone worried who is an Achievement Hunter / Completionist, after completing the main story, you are rewarded with tools to both find anyone you haven't interacted with yet and located areas you haven't been to / cleared out yet, which can ve accessed via button presses.
If you're a speedrunner, there's even an extra mode for you.
This game is suitable for everyone, from casual to gaymer.
Skrevet: 28. juni 2023.
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3.0 timer registreret i alt
This is game is the most creative iteration of and the best twist on the hidden object / Wimmelbild genre I have ever seen - a full interconnected map (semi-metroidvanialite) with RPG elements like keys to open up other locations or chests. This is the purrfect combination of the point-and-click and hidden object.
Skrevet: 25. juni 2023.
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14.3 timer registreret i alt (10.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
its all so cute and polished and astonishing and the first hub felt like the perfect sanctuary gearbox could never make, top tier gaem 100/10
Skrevet: 20. juli 2022. Sidst redigeret: 28. november 2022.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
3.7 timer registreret i alt
i'll never drink milk ever again
Skrevet: 5. januar 2022.
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23.5 timer registreret i alt (16.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Since the games in the Life is Strange series have a lot of distinct qualities, players will most likely search for different features in this game and thus rate it differently.

If you play Life is Strange for...

... the music, this one is more consistent and recognizable than Life is Strange 2, but less iconic than the first one or Before the Storm.

... the story, this one feels well thought out and interconnected since it was all made and released simultaneously. The only downside to it is that the ending feels a bit rushed and unimportant to anything else in the game. This one is the apex of being about the ride rather than the destination.

... the sadness, this might be your least favorite one since there are several tragic events, but none of them carry across the urge to cry to the player. There is just one attempt at an actual sad event, but it is way too early into the game to have an actual emotional impact as hard-hitting as in the first game.

... the vibe, this game has it. The recurring places and characters start feeling more cozy quickly.

... the gameplay (which would be a little weird considering it's not the series' strong suit), this one is the best. There are two different ardcade mashines where you can infinitely play arcade games to get the highest score, additionally, there's a few special events like a LARP (live action roleplay) with a JRPG style combat system. (light spoiler)

I hope you find what you are looking for in this game. Peace out ^^
Skrevet: 12. september 2021. Sidst redigeret: 12. september 2021.
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6.4 timer registreret i alt
The type of game where you are sad that there is no DLC or part 2 or at least an OST. Incredibly well rounded.
Skrevet: 29. juni 2021.
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5.1 timer registreret i alt (3.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Amazing art style, great music and overall a great vibe, intuitive controls (with a controller at least, either way there's not a lot to press anyway) and interesting premise. It really is the better Muse Dash that doesn't spot an artstyle somewhere between average mobile game and guilty pleasure but something respectable, plus the additional story.

The tutorial did not help that much and some glitches like the locked achievement and the train station are a bit annoying but it's a free game without any ingame purchases that acts more like a teaser for the main game so who cares. I'm hyped. Though December 2023 really is a long way down the road. :/
Excessively long advertising campaigns haven't had the best rep recently but I'm fairly confident this is gonna be different/better.
Skrevet: 16. maj 2021. Sidst redigeret: 16. maj 2021.
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148.0 timer registreret i alt (52.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I honestly can't believe I never reviewed this game. Perhabs because I only got into it after the big hype.
This is, together with Ocarina of Time, my GOAT. This is what video games are meant to be.

I love every single aspect of this game, and they have a symbiose I think I've never seen before nor ever will see anywhere else.

The environment looks and feels great and fits incredibly well into the story. The simplistic style is an important part of what makes the game so great.
The music, though it takes a bit to get to the greatest pieces in-game, is the best video game music I ever heard. I regularly listen to it on Spotify, bought the soundtrack on Steam (which I never intentionally did for any other game) and listened to orchestra cover versions etc..
The story is very simple but incredibly great. All characters feel right at home and the constant absense of a fourth wall puts you right there with them. Every NPC feels unique and memorable.

I played through the game in all 3 styles several times and I loved it, I would inject this game and have it flow through my veins if I could. Huge recommendation to everyone, it doesn't even take a lot of time, you can finish it in about 5 hours, 3 additional hours if you play pacifist.

I didn't experience any bugs at all, maybe you could consider something like the holding-up-and-down-against-the-upper-wall a graphical glitch but it's not intrusive and does not influence the gameplay whatsoever.

I know a lot of people consider the fanbase to be cancerous, but the fans are not part of the game and Toby Fox did not intend for it.

This is my only 10/10 on Steam. Well, maybe Half LIfe 2 is also a 10, but more like a 9.8 while this is a 10.0.

BTW: If you liked the game, obviously check out Toby Fox' and Temmie Chang's Deltarune Chapter 1 for FREE, but also check out Temmie Chang's Escaped Chasm and Dweller's Empty Path for FREE too. Temmie Chang also worked on Super Meat Boy Forever on Steam.
Skrevet: 27. december 2020. Sidst redigeret: 5. juli 2021.
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Viser 1-10 af 15 forekomster